About Me
Over 22 years of experience in software engineering with expertise in full-stack development, architecture, and project management. Specialized in mobile apps, bioinformatics, software consulting, e-learning, education, finance, weather monitoring, t...
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Portfolio Projects
1. JUnit 4 trainer: Reviewed and updated JUnit 4 course material. Conducted the course.
2. Java anchor: Conducted interviews for Java & JavaScript roles. Revised and updated Java related
material. Conducted Java & JavaScript related courses etc.
3. Coach and trainer for multiple Java/JavaScript/Angular/React courses: prepared trainees for
clients, created technical assessments to evaluate candidate proficiency for specific roles
Type: Agile & Java coaching
Domain: software engineering & -testing, e-learning
Tools & Environment: Java, JUnit, Eclipse,
JHipster, Karma, Jasmine, SonarQ, Docker
Languages: Java, JavaScript, React, Angular(JS),
Frameworks: Spring & Spring Boot
Cloud: AWS, Azure, Kubernetes
Databases: SQL/NoSQL (MongoDB+Mongoose)
Duration: 6th November 2017 till date
Role & Responsibilities: Sr. technical architect & Java anchor
Responsible of updating software engineering training material
Collecting and updating especially Java 8 & JavaScript related material
Conducting multiple courses related to JUnit, Java, full-stack, React & Angular
Designing assessments for e.g. Java, JavaScript & JUnit courses
Planning and setting up an environment for software engineering & CI training
Misc Java / JavaScript related tasks, e.g. reviewing a client project state
Conducted interviews for Java & JavaScript positions