About Me
Career Abstract:
Around 10 years of extensive experience in web application development using Java and related technologies
Experience in migration of Monolith architecture application to microservices based applications
Portfolio Projects
S4 is product developed by SAP ARIBA and used by companies tohandle their procurement operations. In S4 one can post requisitions,invite suppliers for bidding, handle contract lifecycle managementand payments. Strategic Contracts module of S4 focus on creating of contractbetween 2 parties. You can create a contract from redefinedtemplate add document related to contract like master agreements,addendums and documentsupporting master agreements. Forcollaboration purpose you can create tasks which are used to seek
approval on document, negotiate terms of contracts, digitally sign thecontracts etc.
Triage the jira issues and assign to team members
Participate and drive spring planinng meetings, stand up andretrospective meeting
Collaborate with stakeholders like client managers, Productmanagers, customer facing ops team to find mutually agreeablesolutions to improve the product quality
Testing and Diagnostics a system used by BT internals and itscustomer to perform real time testing on their network. Its scopecovers products like data services, ethernet services, fiber services.
▪ Planned and executed transition related activities for the project
▪ Performed activities like on-boarding and dividing the resources inteam based on skill set and experience
▪ Responsible for microservice based redesign and migration planningof complete project
▪ Responsible for development, Design and Support teams fortransition and post transition periodOversaw and contributed in the planning and execution of major livedeployment post transition
▪ Planned and executed transition related activities for the project
▪ Performed activities like on-boarding and dividing the resources inteam based on skill set and experience
▪ Responsible for microservice based redesign and migration planningof complete project
▪ Responsible for development, Design and Support teams fortransition and post transition period
Oversaw and contributed in the planning and execution of major livedeployment post transition
Authentic Assessment is web portal used by clients of novare,which are mainly schools, to digitize the classroom experience. InAA teachers can create projects and associate assignments tothem. It also helps user, which are admins, teachers, students,parents, of portal to keep track of status of these assignments.After students submit their work teachers can assess the workgrade them. Teachers then generate class level and individualreports which are sent to parents. For admins and novare reportsare generated using Google analytics and tableau to understandhow different user navigate thru the application
▪ Lead the team of 18 members consisting server side as well as UIside developers to develop various modules like project management,file upload to cloud etc.
▪ Conducted routine calls with client for requirement gathering alongwith product manager
▪ Oversaw and participated in all stages of SDLC - requirementgathering, requirement analysis, software design, coding and testing
▪ Was responsible for architecture level decision like Amazon cloudintegration, Google sign on integration, Google classroom APIintegration
▪ Implemented functionalities like Amazon sw3 cloud integration,Google auth integration, Google drive integration as an individualcontributor
▪ Oversaw the work of creating android app development