Portfolio Projects
Files needs to be transferred from Source (it can be server or Some NAs path) toDestination (it can be server or NAS path) through a specified tool called EFT tool which enables totransfer files securelyOperating system: Windows 2016Tools: EFT tool version, oracle databaseProject Objective:To establish a secure way of transferring from Source to destination via EFT toolProject Description:This application is used to transfer files securely and logs will be capturing in database server which willindicate whether the files has been transferred successfully or not. We can send files securely using theprotocols like FTP, SFTP, HTTPS, etc. This application has inbuilt DMZ server which does not allow anyexternal parties to access the tool.
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Testing the scenario manually for the application named as Express StoreTools: Selenium, JavaProject Objective: A test process in which application is tested manually without using any readymadetools, and then results are verified.Project Description:Manual Testing is a software testing process in which test cases are executed manually without use ofautomation tools. All test cases are executed by the tester manually according to the end usersperspective. Ensuring whether the application is working fine or not. Test case reports are generatedmanually.
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