About Me
Currently working as Senior Software Engineer in Mindfire Solutions, Bhubaneswar , Odisha. Full stack developer with 11 Years and 5 Months of experience in Design, Development, Implementation and testing of Web Applications. Excellent understanding o...
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Portfolio Projects
- Extensively used C#.NET for business logic.
- Used n-tier Architecture for Development.
- Used Entity Framework to Interact with Database.
- Service Layer to Interact with Business Layer and UI Layer.
- Used jQuery for best performance and reduce code for client side developments.
- Used XML structure for file and XSLT transform to view the CCD file in html format.
- Used SVN and GIT for Version Control.
- Extensively used C#.NET for business logic.
- Used n-tier Architecture for Development.
- Used Entity Framework to Interact with Database.
- Service Layer to Interact with Business Layer and UI Layer.
- Used jQuery for best performance and reduce code for client side developments.
- Used XML structure for file and XSLT transform to view the CCD file in html format.
Used SVN for Version Control
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Project is based on transmitting Prescription securely to the third party provider Surescript. This includes features like NewRx Request and response, RxRenewal request and response, CancelRx request and Response, RxFill, RxChange Request and response, Medication History, Formulary data handling etc in a secure way.
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Meaningful use (MU), in a health information technology context, defines the use of electronic health records (EHR) and related technology within a healthcare organization which sets specific objectives that eligible professionals (EPs) and hospitals must achieve to quality for Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) incentive programs. The meaningful use of EHRs intended by the US government incentives in order to provide Improve care coordination, Reduce healthcare disparities, Engage patients and their families, Improve population and public health, Ensure adequate privacy and security. The main components of Meaningful Use are the use of certified EHR technology for electronic exchange of health
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Dental chart is the Graphical representation of the tooth and user should be able to select any one tooth displayed in this section which will be highlighted as per the surfaces selected. User will be able to apply maximum of 5 surfaces for individual teeth from both the dentitions i.e. primary or permanent. And the teeth image will be changed as per the selected dentition. These images can also be changed along with the labels if flipped from permanent to primary or vice versa. Some images will be disappeared / faded out when the dentition is changed / flipped from permanent to Primary. As per their treatment and plans, calculation of respective billing.
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Alerting system is meant for creating any rule for the patient for all the Encounter modules like Vital, HPI, Medication, Physical Exam, Men's Screening, Women's screening etc. So that if a patient satisifies that rule it alert the user in its dashboard. This system is responsible for creating alert rules as well as validate them against the patient.
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This is a windows service used for downloading Surescript enabled pharmacy information on daily basis at specific time. There are two ways to get pharmacy information. Either Manual downloading by logging in through surescript admin console or Automatic downloading.
Here send a Directory Download request in an XML file known as Upload xml. In return it will return a Download xml file where it contains a zip folder, extract the zip folder and then extract the information from the text file and insert the records into Database.
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To automate the process of getting eligibility response for patients scheduled for visit on the next day.The service runs in night time and processes eligibility request for patients having scheduled visit on next day, which removes delay in prescribing medications by providing eligibility response prior to creation of visits for scheduled visits.
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This is a full fledged web based EMR application which provides comprehensive solution to a physicians needs. With this Application, you can schedule appointments, chart patient information, write prescriptions, bill your patients and file claims – all within our integrated software suite. Developed specifically for you to capture, manage, exchange and store patient information by automating the process. Some of the functionalities provided are patient search based on multiple parameters, a Patient dashboard, which lists all vital information, (like de-mographics, active medical problems, current medications), ability to create visits (encounters), ability to assign/forward the visits to any physician in the hospital, pulling previous medical information from past encounters with just one click, ability to drill down to any past visit at any given time, ability to digitally sign an encounter and finalize it thereby not allowing UI level changes after a grace time set by the user, archive and review visit/independent module level data in file format, ability to automatically save data on navigation from one page to another without any user action, thereby reducing the documentation time. Some modules covered in the EMR are History of Present Illness, Vitals, Current Medications (based on First Data Bank, warns user of potential drug-drug interactions), Allergies(again based on First Data bank with a built in Drug-Allergy module that warns user of any potential Drug-Allergy when prescribing medications) Past History (including sub modules like Past Medical History, Surgical History, Social History, Family History, Genetic History, etc), Comprehensive Womens health module (including OB De- Details, Prenatal details, Menstrual History, etc), Mens Screening, Complete Pediatric History module, Review of Systems and Physical Examination, Impression/Diagnosis (ICD9 Codes), Recommended Plan of action (includes procedures (CPT codes), Prescriptions & Injections (FDB with drug-drug interaction warnings), integration with a comprehensive LIMS), Order to Pharmacies (integration with Sure Scripts), Intra Office and Outside Correspondence module with support for faxing and an E&M System. The reporting is handled by SQL serer reporting service (SSRS) system. Each modules saved data shown in report format.
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This is a full-fledged web based EMR application which provides comprehensive solution to a physicians needs. With this Application, you can schedule appointments, chart patient information, write prescriptions, bill your patients and file claims – all within our integrated software suite. Developed specifically for you to capture, manage, exchange and store patient information by automating the process. Some modules covered in the EMR are History of Present Illness, Vitals, Current Medications, Allergies, Past History ,Comprehensive Womens health module (including OB Details, Prenatal details, Menstrual History, etc.), Mens Screening, Complete Paediatric History module, Review of Systems and Physical Examination, Impression/Diagnosis (ICD9 Codes).
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Project is based on transmitting Prescription securely to the third party provider Surescript. This includes features like NewRx Request and response, RxRenewal request and response, CancelRx request and Response, RxFill, RxChange Request and response, Medication History, Formulary data handling etc in a secure way.
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It is a windows service running in back end especially monthly basis. Usually Formulary folder contains various PBM information. Each PBM has various Formulary information. In WebDav document, it is mentioned how this folder structure can be downloaded from WebDAV and how it looks like. Files Containing Formulary Information is usually categorized into four types. 1. FSL(Formulary Status List) 2. ALT(Alternative) 3. COV(Coverage) 4. COP(Copay) Traverse each folder and then extract data into the text files and insert them into Database.
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This is a full fledged web based EMR application which provides comprehensive solution to a physicians needs. With this Application, you can schedule appointments, chart patient information, write prescriptions, bill your patients and file claims – all within our integrated software suite. Developed specifically for you to capture, manage, exchange and store patient information by automating the process. Some of the functionalities provided are patient search based on multiple parameters, a Patient dashboard, which lists all vital information, (like demographics, active medical problems, current medications), ability to create visits (encounters), ability to assign/forward the visits to any physician in the hospital, pulling previous medical information from past encounters with just one click, ability to drill down to any past visit at any given time, ability to digitally sign an encounter and finalize it thereby not allowing UI level changes after a grace time set by the user, archive and review visit/independent module level data in file format, ability to automatically save data on navigation from one page to another without any user action, thereby reducing the documentation time. Some modules covered in the EMR are History of Present Illness, Vitals, Current Medications (based on First Data Bank, warns user of potential drug-drug interactions), Allergies(again based on First Data bank with a built in Drug-Allergy module that warns user of any potential Drug- Allergy when prescribing medications) Past History (including sub modules like Past Medical History, Surgical History, Social History, Family History, Genetic History, etc), Comprehensive Womens health module (including OB Details, Prenatal details, Menstrual History, etc), Mens Screening, Complete Pediatric History module, Review of Systems and Physical Examination, Impression/Diagnosis (ICD9 Codes), Recommended Plan of action (includes procedures (CPT codes), Prescriptions & Injections (FDB with drug-drug interaction warnings), integration with a comprehensive LIMS), Order to Pharmacies (integration with Sure Scripts), Intra Office and Outside Correspondence module with support for faxing and an E&M System.
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Clinical quality measures, also called CQMs, are tools that help us measure and monitor the quality of healthcare and the contribution of those healthcare services towards improved health outcomes. In the past, quality measures primarily used data that came from claims, but as technology has improved and become more prominent in the healthcare setting, many quality measures now use data that comes from a providers electronic health record (EHR). These electronic CQMs (eCQMs) use EHR data to measure health outcomes, clinical processes, patient safety, efficient use of healthcare resources, care coordination, patient engagement, and population and public health improvement. The application is used to generate a CQM Report which is generated for each CQM measures.By using this application Users can select a time period for which they want to see the CQM report.Application uses a backend windows service to calculate and process each cqm measures and finally prepares a report which is shown in UI.
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Quality Reporting Document Architecture project is developing a standard for communicating health care quality measurement information.The application is to calculate data generated for CQM measures and process each measure against patients to create two types of XML documents those belongs to QRDA 1 and QRDA 3 standard.Users can specify which type of document they want to generate and they can download the specific document type for QRDA.Users can also able to download QRDA 1 and QRDA 3 files for specific measures as well as for all measures.
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Public health syndromic surveillance using inpatient and ambulatory clinical care electronic health record (EHR) data is a relatively new practice. As eligible health professionals and hospitals adopt, implement, and upgrade their EHR systems through the CMS EHR Incentive programs (Meaningful Use programs), there is an opportunity for public health agencies (PHAs) to routinely receive health data from settings other than emergency departments and urgent care centers. Given the number of factors and complex relationships that affect EHR data quality, a collaborative approach that includes public health, healthcare, and EHR technology developers is the best way to determine how EHR data can be meaningfully used for surveillance. The application is used to calculate and process EHR data of patients and produces HL7 files for each patients.User of this application can search for a particular ICD code to check for the patients those are diagnosed and can able to download HL7 files for specific visit duration. Users can specify visit start and visit end date for the duration and the application will generate HL7 standard files for Syndromic Surveillance and finally they can download the files.
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Clinical Care Document (CCD), documents pertinent patient data coming from different sources during the course of treating a patient. It provides a means for one healthcare practitioner, system, or setting to aggregate all of the pertinent data about a patient and transfer it to another practitioner, system, or setting to support the continuity of care. HL7 standard being used that specifies the structure and semantics of clinical documents for the purpose of exchange.
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Project is based on transmitting securely Lab Results to third party providers. Lab orders and results documented for patients are sent to Outside labs in a secure way for verifying the results. After the results are verified, it is sent to the hospital with lab results details. This module helps hospitals and doctors managing the Laboratory tests and orders in a more comprehensive approach giving access to Orders and Results in a convenient manner and in a secure way.
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It is software to be used by more than one Driving School in US(with different look and feel for different schools). This helps the management of individual Driving schools To maintain their records i.e. Employees Info, Info of Instructors enrolled in the School, Student info which includes Registration Info, payment Info (credit card too) ,Class Assigned Info, Lessons completed info, BTW info(Hours completed, comment for BTW classes). Auto PDF Mailing is one important feature of this software which is used to Send the PDF i.e. the forms needed to be filled up by students or their parents before enrolling in to the class(based on selected location ,date and time) by the management. The system also allows the management to change the class of particular student. Every Classes has a limited hours of training period and after completion of that, students are Enrolled to State Certifications Process choosen by Individual driving School management. Reports Available for All Classes (1st Night Sheet, Class roster,Cerification, StateEnrollment).
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With this EMR Application, you can schedule appointments, chart patient information, write prescriptions, bill your patients and file claims – all within our integrated software suite. Developed specifically for your ambulatory care practice, this EMR suite improves the way you capture, manage, exchange and store patient information by automating the process. The part which i am dealing with in this application is CCD (Continuity Of Care Document). CCD is used to generate a Report for Patient Info(Registration, Allergy, Medication, Condition, Immunization, Vital sign, Guarantor, Insurance) These reports are meant for transferring the patient info from one clinic to other. Through this application we generate the XML file (patient wise) including all information and Convert this file to a HTML format and generate the Reports. Also we parse the external files and records the additional data through this application.
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