About Me
Having 13 plus yrs of experience as SAP Technical Consultant and in that having 1 years of experience in BIW3.5-Abapplatform, 3months in APO-ABAP, 2 months in SRM-ABAP &1month in CRM-Abap. Totally worked on the 3 implementation projects,2 Rollouts & ...
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Portfolio Projects
Development on the Enhancement (conversion of Adobe form to PDF to send as an email attachment) and on the PR/PO: BADIs. Worked on Webdynpro to create sales order through excel file upload. Developed the Adobe forms for the TAX invoice details and for the Inspection slot details. Worked 2 Level PR Approval work flow. Worked on the BTE for transaction: FB13N.
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Developed theprogram to update and insert the Transportation lanes in the Live cache using the BAPI: BAPI_TRLSRVAPS_SAVEMULTI2 & to insert the same product with different dates by checking the overlap logic. Developed the Safety Stock Exception report to check the forecast details of the product using the planning book BAPI_PBSRVAPS_GETDETAIL2 and the Safety stock details of the product using the BAPI: BAPI_PRDSRVAPS_GETDETAIL2.
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Developed the code to create the STO against inbound delivery through BAPI_PO_CREATE1 and the out bound delivery will create through the BAPI_OUTB_DELIVERY_CREATE_STO against the STO through the inbound FM: IDOC_WRITE_AND_START_INBOUND. Finally assign the Handling units from inbound delivery to theOutbound delivery using the Function Modules:HU_PACKING_AND_UNPACKING, WS_DELIVERY_UPDATE. Worked on the SALV reports.
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Developed the Vertex tax report to display the tax amount details using the VIM tables: /OPT/VIM_1HEAD & /OPT/VIM_1ITEM. Add item button of the shopping cart screen has modified to limit the drop drown items for the document using the BADI:BBP_SC_MODIFY_UI. To send the PO data from SRM to ECC custom fields: Reference number of the vendor & Telephone number of the PO creator through the BADI: BBP_ECS_PO_OUT_BADI. BBP_OUTPUT_CHANGE_SF used to change smart form which is being triggered automatically in SRM. Several Modifications done on the Smart forms.
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Worked on the ALE/IDOC interface to send the EDI invoice data to the customer through the Outbound function module: IDOC_OUTPUT_INVOIC and data has been modified through the Customer-exit: EXIT_SAPLVEDF_002. Created the enhancement to add the custom fields in the basic data tab and the sales: general/plant data tab of the Material Master transaction and added the fields in the field selection group to restrict on the material types and maintained the custom fields in thetransaction: MASSOBJ for the object type BUS1001 for the mass maintenance through the transaction: MM17. Worked on the VOFM Routines.
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Developed the inbound interface in the proxy provider class generated through XI to post the production orders through the t code: MB11 using the BAPI:BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE. Developed on the out bound interface through proxy generation using XI as a middle ware for the Sales Orders/ Customer Scheduling Agreements SAP to CLICK. Worked on the inbound interface for the forecast flexi using WMB as middleware. Worked on the screen exit: CNEX0007 to add the custom WBS fields on the custom screen tab for the WBS element.
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Worked on the Interface which will transfer the data from SAP PS to SAP CS and from CS the idocs will trigger through Change Pointers to CRMthrough web methods. Created the elementary Search help for the standard search help through the Data Base View by using the search help exit. Added the vendor code field through the implicitenhancement in the PO history tab of the Transaction:ME80FN.
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