About Me
Interested in Data Science, Statistics, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning. Proficient in ML algorithms ranging from Linear, Logistic Regression, SVMs, KNN to Neural Networks, LSTMs and RNNs.
• Deep Learning, Data Science
• Deep Learning, Data Science
• Languages: Python
• ML Toolbox: TensorFlow, Keras, Scikit-learn
• NumPy, Pandas, MongoDB, Flask, RestAPI
• Data Visualisation: Tableau, Plotly, Matplotlib
Portfolio Projects
• Visualization of Medical data: Converted raw-cancer data-set
into AP format to apply APC (Age-Period-Cohort) model to visualize and get insight of the cancer data set.
• Neural Machine Translation from English to Hindi: Worked on deep learning techniques like LSTM, Bi-directional LSTM
and Encoder-Decoder to translate given English sentences into Hindi.