About Me
Having 1+ year of experience in software development on java technologies. Having knowledge on C, C++, Java, Python and R. Have hands on experience in computer vision, image processing and data analysis. Having hands on experience in ML, DL and Data ...
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Portfolio Projects
Provided historical sales data for 45 Walmart stores located in different region. Each store contains a number of departments, and the task is to predict the department-wide sales for each store.Algorithms: Exploratory data analysis, feature engineering, regression algorithms and dimensionalityreduction.Predicted weekly_sales for test data with the best model based on the R2score and submitted it inkaggle competition.
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Indian Movie Face Data Base (IMFDB) is a large unconstrained face database consisting of 34512images of 100 Indian actors collected from more than 100 videos. The dataset is cleaned andformatted to give you a total of 26742 images with 19906 images in train and 6636 images in test.Algorithms: Neural network models ,data-augmentation,Pre-trained applications.To get the best accuracy with less cost, used models like simple CNN model and pre-trainedapplications of Keras as VGG16,ResNet50.
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IOBAS is an Inter-Operator Billing and Accounting System which deals with the billing and accountingbetween two operators. It involves collecting information from the switches, formatting that it intorecords using a third party application INCA. It features like Diamond, Streamer and charging & Pricing.This application provides for creating invoices, which contains the detailed information regarding thesource of the charge and reasons for the charge.
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