About Me
- Over 3.7 years of experience in three commercial projects including two Japan based clients.
- Worked in Agile (Scrum) and Waterfall methodologies for software developments.
- Used project management tools like JIRA and Redm...
- Used project management tools like JIRA and Redmine to track issues and stories.
- Fair understanding of Retail business and multi warehouse management systems.
- Selection of stories/tasks, estimations and requirements discussions with business team prior to each sprint.
Development Tools
Web Development
Portfolio Projects
Align Technology Inc (USA)
- Integrated new payments gateway Adyen for Mexico along with 3D secure functionalities for EU and Canada as per new payment guidelines. Additionally, created APIs for other apps using Adyen to complete the 3D secure process via iFrame.
- Implemented the instalment design for paying invoices manually into the existing application.
- Implemented sequential generation of transaction number and creating digitally signed PDFs for Israel.
- Worked on a POC for splitting existing application by implementing frontend in ReatcJs and backend in RoR API.
Bootstrap Heroku JQuery React.Js Ruby on RailsTools
Github Visual Studio OnlineCompany
Nikken Corporation
- Created a module for updating inspection details of machines after their inspection.
- Created a module for inquiring repair history for a machine.
- Created a module for logging daily work hours for Inspection and Repair activities.
- Suggested corrections and alternate solution in the design documents.
Java (All Versions) JQuery Spring MVCTools
Fast Retailing(Japan)
- Created batch for releasing provisionally booked inventory by customers on hourly intervals.
- Created a batch to update the status of shipment confirmed and completed orders after receiving files from warehouses.
- Created a batch which registers the return requests received by the warehouses and their confirmations.
- Provided 24*7 production support after project live to resolve issues immediately.
Git Ruby on RailsTools