About Me
Software professional with a total of 13+ Years of experience in VOIP-SIP, SDP, RTP, RTCP, Android Mobile Push To Talk Client Technology, IDEN Cellular Networks, Audio and Speech Coding Standards, Audio-Speech Enhancement Algorithmic Development (Pre...
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Portfolio Projects
Deployment of features like Call Setup Optimization, Call Processing in TGSc, BGC, Design changes of start stop audio devices in Android and IOS, Network Quality Indicator. Hands on system integration expertise like integration of codecs pro audio codes. Also fixed many field issues on time.
Client: Kodiak Networks Inc, Verizon and AT&T
Organization: Kodiak Networks
Duration: 48 Months
Ø Understanding of the Features to be developed.
Ø Estimation of Feature Implementation.
Ø Preparing HLD and peer review.
Ø Implementation of Features as per the requirements.
Ø Preparation of use cases based on the requirement.
Ø Unit Testing and Field Support as well.
Language/Tools Used: C, C++, Windows, Android, IOS, , .
Platform: Different Devices like Samsung S4, S5, LG G2, and Motorola Devices like Moto Droid Max, Mini etc. IOS devices like IPhone-4S, IPhone-5s etc.
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Description: Quick Ramp up of MPTT Client,VOIP basics, SIP. New features are added on top of this. I am involved in deployment of features like User Authentication, Speculation.
Client: Nextel International Inc and Looking for OMAN tel
Organization: Motorola Solutions
Duration: 11 Months
Ø Ramp-up on SIP, MPTT Protocol Spec.
Ø Understanding of the Features to be developed in the Spec..
Ø Involved in L3 Requirements discussion and detailed design document.
Ø Implementation of Features as per the requirements.
Ø Preparation of test cases based on the requirement.
Ø Unit Testing and Post Production Support
Platform: Android 4.1 and 4.2 Devices like Samsung SIII, LG Nexus etc
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Description: Transcoders in IGW of IDEN has reached EOL, so to meet the current requirements of Transcoder with low cost, we came up with porting existing Transcoder from TI DSP Platform to Octasic DSP.
Client: Nextel International Inc
Organization: Motorola Solutions
Duration: 2 Months
Ø Ramp-up on Transcoder in IDEN Technology.
Ø Involved in Analyzing the existing L3 Requirements, based on the ATCA Architecture came up with new design and hence prepared new detailed design document.
Ø Configuring ATCA 8320 Hardware and Bringing it up.
Ø Porting Call Control module in Transcoder as per the requirements.
Platform: ATCA 8320.
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escription: To have Volume Control in Intel’s Android Mobile device post processing algorithms like DRC and Equalizer are integrated in Intel Audio Codecs.
Client: Intel
Organization: Sasken
Module/Algorithm: DRC
Duration: 4 Months
Ø Ramp-up on Intel Audio Framework Module Developers Guide, Medfield Architecture Specification
Ø Ramp up of DRC Algorithm for single band.
Ø Integrated and ordered DRC algorithm for HF playback with a team of two
Ø Code Analysis is done by using Code Coverage Tool
Ø Tested the integrated module with different input parameters.
Ø Post production support is done.
Ø Analysis and reproduction of bug-fix are done using MPTA tool, PTI and JTAG debugging .
Platform: Medfield Architecture with Android Ginger Bread version.
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Description: Aimed at integrating ARM/DSP Audio codecs like MP3, AAC(LC/HE/HEv2), AC3 at framework level and making these codecs to be Open Max compliant.
Client: Sasken Internal
Organization: Sasken
Duration: 14 Months
Ø Ramp up on Android Architecture, Android Audio Subsystem, StageFright Multimedia framework.
Ø Ramp up on UML Designing, OpenMax IL.
Ø Exposure to Android set up creation, Android platform tools like ADB, DDMS(Log file generation).
Ø Exploring the Android ICS Source Code.
Ø Integration of Audio codecs into Multimedia Framework through OpenMax Compliance.
Ø Customization of Audio codecs in Multimedia Framework for Playback use case.
Ø Unit Testing and Fixed some bugs raised on Android Multimedia framework .
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Description: Customization/Maintenance of C64x+ arch based TI Audio codecs into C674x arch based (DM814X) for Car Infotainment Application.
Client: Texas Instruments
Organization: Sasken
Codec: C64x+ and C674x compatible – MP3 Decoder, AAC LC Encoder, WMA Decoder
C674x Compatible – AAC LC Encoder, AAC HE Encoder, EAC3 Decoder, WMA Encoder, AAC LD
Encoder and AAC LD Decoder
Duration: 10 Months
Ø Alone Investigated on ELF migration
Ø COFFand ELF Migration
Ø Porting, optimization and validation on DM8148 (Centaurus).
Ø BFT Testing and Clickwrapping.
Ø Given support of issues raised on these codecs
Ø Bringing up EZSDK DVTB setup and performing Regression testing on that
Language/Tools Used: C, Clearcase, Code Composer Studio, MS Visual Studio, Install Jammer, BuildForge, ClearQuest.
Platform: C674x Platform (Centaurus EVM).
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Description: DTS, Digital Theatre System is a non-MPEG standard is fast and involved in high bitrates, inherently low-latency compared to Dolby Digital. MLP, Meridian Lossless Packing is a lossless coding system for high quality linear PCM audio. For DVD-Audio MLP performs lossless compression of up to 6 channels. These are mainly targeted for Home theatre Application.
Client: Texas Instruments
Organization: Sasken
Codec: DTS /MLP Decoder
Duration: 4 Months
Ø Ramp-up of DTS/MLP Audio Codec.
Ø Based on DTS/MLP codec tracing the redundant data in XDM0.9 (TI Framework) DTS/MLP Decoder and finding the necessary elements and structures to be inserted for extra feature requirements..
Ø Migrated DTS/MLP Decoder from XDM0.9 to XDM1.0(TI Framework).
Ø Ported the migrated code from generic C to C64XPLUS for optimization purpose.
Ø Performance Analysis and Optimization was done.
Ø Tested the migrated code on OMAP 3430 Architecture for standalone.
Ø Checked for the conformance test passing.
Language/Tools Used: C, Clearcase, Code Composer Studio, MS Visual Studio, Supersim, BuildForge, ClearQuest, Klockwork tools, BlackDuck Coverage, MisraC2 Tools.
Platform: C64x+ Platform (OMAP3430).
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Description: High Efficiency Advanced Audio Coding (AAC HE), is a lossy audio compression technology, which is an extension to AAC LC optimized for low bit-rate applications, widely used in mobile phones.
Client: Texas Instruments
Organization: Sasken
Codec: Multichannel AAC HE and LC Encoder
Duration: 12 Months
Ø Ramp-up of stereo AAC LC and HE Encoder.
Ø Explored on XDAIS and XDM interface (TI Proprietary Framework).
Ø Comparison of Fraunhofer Stereo AAC HE/LC Encoder and Fraunhofer Multichannel AAC Encoder.
Ø Converting the Fraunhofer Multichannel AAC HE/LC Encoder (C++ Code) to XDM1.0 Multichannel AAC HE/LC Encoder (C Code as per TI standard),
Ø Ported the XDM1.0 Multichannel AAC HE/LC Encoder on C64XPLUS.
Ø Performance Analysis and Optimization was done.
Ø Unit Testing in Windows Environment.
Ø Participated in peer code reviews for better optimization.
Ø Support of Socket Node Team, regarding Audio codecs in OpenMax IL, Android Multimedia Framework
Ø Ramp-up on MISRAC2 Tools(TI Proprietary) to make AAC codec to be Error Resilient.
Ø Solved the critical errors and made the code to be compatible to MISRAC2 Tools.,
Ø Ported and tested both AAC Encoder(HE/LC) and Decoder for its compatibility on C64x+ platform
Language/Tools Used: C, C++, Clearcase, Code Composer Studio, MS Visual Studio, Supersim, BuildForge, ClearQuest, Klockwork tools, BlackDuck Coverage, MisraC2 Tools.
Platform: C64x+ Platform (OMAP3430).
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Description: In Desktop based Video conference Product, for Good Audio quality we involved in R&D of implementing Post Processing Algorithms like Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC), Noise Cancellation (NC), Voice Activity Detector (VAD), Dynamic Range Compressor (DRC), Equalizer, FFT/IFFT, Sub band Filtering.
Client: Optical Fusion Inc
Organization: Optical Fusion Software Services India Pvt Ltd
Algorithm: LMS, NLMS, RLS for AEC. Spectral Band Subtraction for NC, Butterfly FFT, Polyphase IIR Filtering for Subband Filtering.
Duration: 16 Months
Ø Ramp up and exploring the details of selected algorithm.
Ø Preparing the design document and cross checking the document details with XL analysis.
Ø Implementation of the algorithm.
Ø Analysis on the behavior of algorithm / Stand alone Project and cross checking the code for its specified algorithmic behavior.
Ø Integration and peer code reviews
Ø Unit testing
Language/Tools Used: C, C++, MS Visual Studio.
Platform: Desktop Processor(x86 Processor).
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Description: G.729 codes the Speech signals at 8kbps using CS-ACELP coder, which is used to deal with Audio media in desktop based Video Conference Product.
Client: Optical Fusion Inc
Organization: Optical Fusion Software Services India Pvt Ltd
Codec: G.729
Duration: 9 Months
Ø Ramup and exploring on its details.
Ø Design document preparation.
Ø Actively participated in implementation of few of its functional modules.
Ø Functionality testing of individual modules.
Language/Tools Used: C, C++, MS Visual Studio.
Platform: Desktop Processor(x86 Processor).
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Integration and support of Harman Proprietary Framework and Audio Objects for high performance audio in Car. In this short span, I got the opportunity to work at audio objects algorithm side as well and fixing the failure test result of an audio object on A15.
Client: Harman International
Organization: Harman Connected Services
Duration: 14 Months
Ø Understanding of each audio object.
Ø Bringing the Griffin and Summit Board setup.
Ø Explored on Features currently supported by Griffin to Harman and automated the Build and Run of Griffin Projects by coordinating with Platform team. Giving a live demo on the same.
Ø Preparing Reference flows with different objects and porting them based on different schema on Analog Devices, Griffin Board. And verifying the reference project and supporting that.
Ø Documentation of reference projects.
Ø Research on distributed systems.
Platform: Different Devices like ADSP-SC573, ADSP-21569, A15-C66 Board.
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Deployment of features like Call Setup Optimization, Call Processing in TGSc, BGC, Design changes of start stop audio devices in Android and IOS, Network Quality Indicator. Hands on system integration expertise like integration of codecs pro audio codes. Also fixed many field issues on time.
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