About Me
- Dynamic and goal-oriented software professional with 15 years experience in software development- Hands-on experience in working with clients and projects from various industries and geographies- Clear understanding of paradigms used for parallel c...
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Portfolio Projects
Requirements gathering, design, architecture and development plan for company’s new product line – a cross-platform Qt based application framework for visualizing 3D computational fluid dynamics simulations.
Worked on PoCs for automotive clients in simulating electro-coating process, oven, wax, spray/splash, gear and rain simulations.
Researched on new Vulkan based voxels rendering engine for particles and fluid rending.
Added new features into existing OpenVTK and ECS based implementations.
Proposed revised architecture and design pattern to integrate Undo/Redo capabilities and scripting framework and assisted directors in securing approval from HQ.
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Implemented a graphics engine for supporting large data visualization using hardware accelerated rendering.
Supported integration with in-house data analytics/visualization software.
Provided animation support through a thread-safe object model and MVVP messages.
Trained on-site application engineers in building scenes withthe new graphics engine.
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Cameras based, on-board Optronics system and 360-degree panorama view rendering engine for naval ships and submarines used in surveillance inside the oceans. A set of image processing algorithms were to be rendered on Qt based User interface at certain predefined FPS. This module involved GPGPU acceleration to improve the graphics performance (OpenCV based implementation). Both on-Screen and off-screen rendering solutions were provided for performance comparison
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Developed 3D engine for visualizing 3D meshes of automobile parts.
- Involved in project definition, technical specifications, workload breakdown
- Performed domain research, feasibility studies, presentations, feedback analysis
- Followed Rational Unified Process (Agile-RUP), and UML based SRS and design documentation
- Implemented abstract layer, high-level interfaces, Direct3D visualization client, 3D navigation, object selection/picking, geometry structures, B-Reps, mesh optimizations
- Assisted with problem solving, profiling, stress testing, performance logging, troubleshooting
- Implemented critical server-side payment/business logic, auto-error feedback mechanisms
- Assisted with recruitment, training and knowledge transfers
- Design and development of EasyBlank, an OpenGL-based application for visualizing 3d models
- Integrated AutoForm’s FEM solvers and implemented communication interfaces with viewers
- Reviewed UI and business logic including online payment gateway via PayPal.
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Implemented PBD (position-based dynamics) algorithms for 3D cloth simulation in a fashion designapplication. Integrated simulation with Unity 3D based application layer including editing features tointeract with 3D cloth in real-time. Worked on performance optimization of existing features. IntegratedC++ based geometry kernel for faster 3D geometry manipulations. Implemented POCs todemonstrate feasibility of PBD based cloth simulation in Unity.
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Implemented graphics animation and editing interface for an airline scheduling software with highquality graphical data visualization requirements. Built it on a DirectX based graphics engine (above)and provided interfaces for fast updates and improved frame rates. Implemented complex businesslogic for flight editing operations with many cases and scenarios. Troubleshooted issues withrendering on third-party controls (Telerik).
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Implemented a full-fledged face detection recognition and analytics software including a pre-salesdemonstrator for recording statistics of users moving in front of Digital signage cameras usingOpenCV based Face detection and recognition. The demonstrator also included a speech synthesizerin order to talk to the users at real-time and convey statistics like their engagement times glancecounts and predicted age and gender. It also involved background crawling of frames historicalinformation to improve the predictions. Some modules like Age and gender recognition wereintegrated via Matlab-.NET Interop and inter-process communication (using sockets).
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Generic 3D graphics engine and viewer with editing features for integration into 2D/3D applicationsand for rendering 3d interactive content on Microsoft Surface platform (Samsung SUR40 touchtables) and eBoards (65 touch boards used in classrooms). It includes implementation of visualize-cum-editor application which can read many proprietary formats and display overlaid semi-transparentinteractive 2D/3D content and/or images/videos. A new proprietary visual document format wasdesigned for handling various content and abstract interfaces were provided for integrating contentfrom other content providers.
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This project is a feasibility analysis cum product development for a closed loop system for diabetescontrol. The system involves a continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) device attached to patientsbody which is communicating to an android based Remote control (RC) via Bluetooth low energy. TheRC analyses required amount of insulin required by the body and sends commands to insulin pump(via BT/BLE) for injecting insulin. Pumps from multiple manufacturers are being supported. Dedicatedcommunication processor is provided in the RC for real-time communication between the devicesinvolved. UART interface was used for communication between these processors.
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This project was a CATIA-CAA customization suit for aerospace client. The implementation involvedautomation of several design checkpoints to verify and validate a designers CAD output. This tooliterates through every geometry inside a CATIA CAD file (CATProduct) and checks for clashescontacts and clearances. It verifies the accuracy of specified geometry parameters and automaticallygenerates a pre-formatted Excel report.
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The software was intended for TV set top boxes that show context sensitive info-pages. Userinteraction was performed through the TVs remote control. The software includes a viewer as well asan editor for creating new info-pages (by the broadcasting companies). Written completely in C# ituses a classic MVC design pattern to handle the viewing and editing of the model.
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This project is a video creator used to make custom videos for a research on crowdsourcing. Thevideos were created at run-time out of instructions from a CSV file which described events to happenduring the video at specific intervals. The frames were rendered using OpenGL and GLUT was usedfor windowing and user inputs.
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3D Viewer built for visualizing and configuring input and outputs of a Feature Group Optimizer. Theoptimizer groups all the features in an automobile part to analyse the most cost-effective way tomanufacture the part. This grouping needs to be visualized to give the development team an idea asto how their results look like. The visualization allows show/hide an operation or group(s) ofoperations check for overlap between operations their directions and sizes. This GUI was builtprimarily to configure the results of the optimization algorithm also used as a generic viewer toview/rotate/pan/zoom 3D IGES geometries.
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