About Me
- Has over 8 years of experience in IT out of which 3+ years on Web Development(Django and Python). And around 4 years in developing custom web-based e-commerce applications and Distributed client/server technologies using We...
- Have good experience on Python Scripting, Java Scripting, JSP and Core Java.
- 3 years experience on Python developer.
- 3 years experience on web framework application such as Django and REST APIs.
- Worked on Admin interface like CURD operations.
- Experience on Class and Functions of python object-oriented programming.
- Knowledge of user authentication and authorization between multiple systems,servers and environment.
- Having knowledge in Restful Service using Django.
- Used serialization system that can produce and read XML and/or JSON representations of Django model instances.
Portfolio Projects
- Performed requirement Gathering, Analysis, Design and Development
- Involved in deploying and delivering the project.
- Played backup scrum master role.
- Involved in Python scripting.
- Involved in JSP changes.
- Worked on different APIs as part of JSP customization.
- Giving Training on Python technical session to the offshore and onshore team mates.
- Worked on End-to-End lease functionality feature from requirement gathering to solution document preparation to full implementation for ME Services.
- Involved in Unittesting and pytest
- Involved in Multithreading
- Involved in preparing the Design documents and Test case documents and test report documents.
- Worked on Defects.
- Worked on all the subsystems as I used to create Test case scripts for all the CRs.
- Used to validate all the created test scripts using SOAP UI tool and using .net UI(front end).
- Used to validate in all the environments and used to raise issues in cases any issues found in getting expected response.
- Used to involve in preparing and executing data load related test cases.
- Coordinating with onsite team on requirements gathering.
- Installed all the fix packs and feature packs for WAS, IHS, WCS respectively.
- Server or Runtime environment ready after successful installation completes as I have installed Fix packs related to WAS, IHS and WCS.
- Installed DB2 Enterprise Server edition 9.7
- Installed latest update installers for WAS and WCS(7.x and
- Installed IBM Installation Manager 1.7.2
- Created WCS instance through Configuration Manager.
- Installed and Enabled Feature pack 8 related to WCS.
- Coordinating with onsite team on requirements gathering for defects raised, develop and test the changes and deploy the code into repository.
- Worked on BloomReach Organic Search
- Worked on jira’s assigned and Checked in the code after code review completion and followed by testing the same on the development environments once we got confirmation from the onshore to do the same.
- Worked in different places to get the knowledge during transition
- Taken KT at the time of transition and given impressive Playbacks before the Client to make the project deal success.
- Handled one of the Sub Service called Customer Sub-Service.
- Worked on Member management Subsystem as a part of Customer Sub Service.
- Coordinated with TeamSite and Web method teams to make the work done.
- Fulfilling typical SLA’s by delivering the work within the time.
- Involved on changing the classic Attribute Model to Attribute Dictionary Model in various places at site level.
- Involved on loading the Master/Sales catalog data using data loads.
- Implementing the Master/Sales catalog changes at the site level in different pages.
- Included in defect fixing.
Involved in custom code reduction (CCR1 and CCR2).
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- Implementing a Extended Site business model supported by IBM WebSphere Commerce Server.
- Created the both developer and integration views by using clear case tool
- Developed OrderCancel.jsp page based on OrderHistory.jspf page as per requirement
- Followed Commerce best practices during developing JSP’s and JSPF’s and also during defects fixing.
- Customized Order history page.Implemented new Gui Currently working on the order status functionality.