About Me
I have over 7yrs professional software development experience. 3yrs in C and Matlab and recent 3yrs in R & Python and SQL. My MS thesis work involved software simulations using threaded C code in Linux.
I am finishing up a project in Sou...
I am finishing up a project in South FL and have a dependable track record of getting things done. You can find details of the data science work using R & Python and SQL https://doi.org/10.1016/j.commatsci.2019.03.015 and the other projects at my website: http://narayanexperience.droppages.com including work samples.
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Portfolio Projects
R, Python, Sql, Agile issue tracking.
- Wrote code and queries, to analyze customer usage data, and develop ML & DL models for anomaly detection and time series classification.
- Tsfresh time series (TS) features were extracted and dimension reduction techniques; and different ML classifiers (Random Forest, SVM, QDA & Neural Net) were used to classify anomalous time series.
- Feature engineering : Significant features were obtained using CCA, PCA, TSNE & Baruta methods.
- Change point analysis was used to identify anomalous premises, and ggplot visualizations done for 2 million accounts.
- Computations were implemented across threads in parallel to speed up computations using shared memory
Rapid Alloys project: Code in R, Python & IBM SPSS.
- Different 9Cr Steel test data of inhouse and those from Japan were analyzed : to develop data analytic tools for rapid development of new alloys at NETL in collaboration with Case Western University.
- Pairwise correlations were done as part of exploratory analysis. Variables of non-zero variance & frequent occurrences were used to predict strength, ductility and other mechanical properties.
- Multi-variate and stepwise regression were used to determine rank order of variables in explaining a mechanical property.
- Random forest recursive partitioning technique was used to explore expanded composition space to predict property of new alloy from existing test data.
- Different techniques were used to delineate different classes of alloys i.e. ANOVA, and Tukey HSD tests on mean of samples, principle components, stochastic embedding (t-SNE), hierarchical and medoid, kNN clustering have been used to visualize different classes of alloys in 2 and 3 dimensions
Paper: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.commatsci.2019.03.015
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NIH Multimodal Imaging Fellow Award (2012-2013), RF simulation using threaded C code on Linux and Matlab.
- Designed and prototyped components used CAD (Solid works) and workshop for prototyping.
- Model extraction from CAD models, and development of multiple anatomically detailed models and evaluation of MR coils simulations using full wave Maxwell's equations
- Independent Transmit (Tx) & Receive (Rx) coil arrays are used to tackle (electric and magnetic) field in homogeneity that arise at ultra-high field MRI. An important part of my thesis work was bench marking of coil performance for efficient and safe use in-vivo.
- The arrays were tested for reproducibility, reliability and safe usage across multiple studies. EM/RF Finite Difference Time Domain simulations of the Tx and composite of five head models were used to optimize parameters, to obtain homogenize whole brain excitation with low RF absorption.
Papers: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0209663 and https://doi.org/10.1002/jmri.24152
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