About Me
B.E (ETC) with a proactive attitude, capability of thinking out of the box and generating new ideas. Knowledge of frontend and full stack development. Passion for all things related to Coding, Design, and Development. Always ready to explore new tech...
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Portfolio Projects
Smart Todo System is a full stack app created with Express,Ejs,MongoDB,Mongoose,NodeJs. It has two functionalities. Default todos list for today. Delegate tasks to a group or a single user. Add,Edit,Delete,Read functionality for both Default list and Delegated Group/User list.Ability to Create and delete Delegate User/Group along with todos associated with the same. Intuitive UI to surf between templates with Back/Homebuttons added at appropriate places.Data saved with MongoDB.Login and Register functionality with PassportJS,with encryption using Bcrypt,Hashes,Salts for added Security. Integration of Google Oauth 2.0 for Login with Gmail. Pleasant and minimalist UI Interface.
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Advanced task management app. Login and Register along with Google Oauth. Create personal todos or delegate todos to required person. The delegated todos to the person is unique todo. Can manage the delegated list with Create and Delete functionality. List of delegated users on the home page and ability to delete individual delegate user and with it all the todos delegated.
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Created a decent MEAN application with Udemy MEAN stack course on Udemy.Got understanding of how to integrate Angular frontend with Node Js Backend, create CRUD using MongoDB, use Express as middleware and use Angular services to coordinate frontend and backend data flow.
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Full-fledged ToDo List App Created using MongoDB as database and Express. Functionality to decide todo items for today as well as create custom lists. Delete and Add functionality added both to todos as well as custom lists. Link also added to show all the custom lists made with button to open the list as well as button to delete the list.
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Created RGB Color Guessing Game.6 colors are displayed randomly in the form of Square Blocks and a RGB Value is given on top.If you choose the wrong color that block dissapears.Right guess changes backround to the guessed color and all other blocks grey out(Disabled).
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Taking leads for Name, DOB, Mobile no, Birthday, dropdown for the type of Job(PT, FT, Consultant), and Uploading user image and storing it in MongoDB database. Process queries and returns all the data back to UI. singlebutton personal logic for Add/Update. Currently working on it and looking forward to integrating Login Functionality.
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