About Me
Dynamic professional with 23 years of experience in multi-OS software product development including design and development of enterprise server software. Experienced in interfacing with clients, gathering & understanding requirements, conducting b...
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Portfolio Projects
Designed and Developed Oracle HTTP(OHS) server in cloud environment: OHS is based on Apache HTTP server 2.2.22 with some features developed by Oracle e.g.. single sign on, clustered development and high availability. It has HTTP listener that handles incoming requests and routs them to different processing servers (primarily web logic server). Besides development of the system, I significantly improved the product by working in -
• Integrating OHS with other products in cloud.
• Upgrade utility to mass update 10000 OHS instances simultaneously in cloud.
• Significantly improved customer experiences by resolving very hard to fix crash issues that only happens in customer’s premises. Resolved memory leak issues.
Oracle Traffic Director is a fast, reliable and scalable layer-7 software load balancer. One can setup OTD to server as the reliable entry point for all HTTP, HTTPS and TCP traffic to application server and web servers in the backend. OTD distributes the requests that it receives from client to servers in the backend based on the specific load-balancing methods, routes the request based on specified rules, cases frequently accessed data, prioritizes traffic and controls the quality of the service.
• I worked in core modules (HTTP listener) as well as I was responsible for health check modules that is responsible for operational stability of the entire server estate of customer server farm.
This application was developed to minimize efforts needed from the user for logging into different portals s.a. yahoo,
google etc. The idea is to have the user login once by providing his/her username/password to the system through the
proxy server using this application. Then it will provide the user seamless access to all the supported applications without
user typing to login to each one of them individually. This application runs on Sun proxy server. It was highly available,
multi user, multi-threaded HTTP protocol-based application. It was an Open source project.
• Worked from requirement gathering to implementation.
• Have done R&D and created POC for the project.
• Have designed and developed the project and submitted to Open source forum.
• Have guided QA to test the feature in different platforms.
OpenSSO is an identity solution from Sun Microsystems. Access Manager provides an identity management access
control system that shared by all the applications. The result is a centralized and automated single sign-on (SSO)
solution managing who has access to what information across the entire IT infrastructure. Web agent 3.0 was developed
as a plugin for OpenSSO on top of Sun web server 6.1 and Sun Proxy server 4.x. This is a Open source product.
• Worked on requirement gathering.
• Designed and developed web agent 3.0 for Sun web server 6.1 and Sun Proxy server 3.x and 4.x.
• Guided QA team for testing and delivered the project on time.
• It was submitted to Open Source community and still being used by many Customers like GE, CIBC, US Navy,
General Motors and many other Fortune 100 companies.
Sun One Web Server is a secure, highly available and world’s fastest web server (HTTP server). It delivers contents,
services to end users over the internet/intranet. It has been developed using c, c++, TCP/IP, UDP, IPCs, java (web
container). It runs on Solaris, HP_UX, Linux and Windows systems.
• I have worked in all parts of this server product. It used to be the fastest webserver in the world at the time. I
have worked on different modules like HTTP listener, security modules, client authentication and several other
core modules.
• Have implemented many suggested enhancements.
• Have fixed many bugs both internal and customer escalated bugs.
• Have resolved many crash issues, functionality issues, RFC related issues, hang issues, memory related
• Have dragonized/analyzed and fixed many non-reproducible
It is the fastest web server in the world which serves HTTP requests. It can serve static and dynamic content. It has one
web container written in java. It is highly scalable, multi-threaded, multi process architecture. It is widely used by many
fortune Customers like World Bank, CIBC, UN server, Mitsubishi, Olympic events, Citi bank and many other small and
large companies.
• Worked as a developer on CORE components of HTP engine and also resolved both internal and highly
escalated issues raised by many fortunes 100/500 companies.
This Domino agent was to protect resources available through Lotus Domino web server. The agent was developed to
run on the context of Domino HTTP web server. Any access to Domino resource will activate this agent. It will do
authentication followed by authorization through Identity Server (IS). If permitted it contacts IS for access policy for the
supplied credential. If this access goes through user gets the grant for access otherwise proper error message will be
Similarly, apache agent was developed for apache HTTP web server 2.x version. Both the project was the result of R&D
with IS server.
• Have done R&D on how to find out how it will work.
• Have written POC and got approved from Higher management.
• Have designed and implemented web agents.
• Have written common APIs to be used by web agents as well as IS server.
• Have written lot of JNI calls to communicate with IS server which is Java based server.
Framework for OpenDIOSA/OP=Base is an operating base for multi vendor Open Base system. It is distributed over
Network, manages applications running on different locations, monitors and controls daemons, software and physical
systems over the Network. The Framework is devided into different layers such as network layer, management layer,
monitoring layer, controlling layer and application layer. Any external application can use this framework using apis exported
by the systems with proper configuration. Network layer is responsible for inter host communication, management layer
does the configuration management and also provides basic service to the upper layers. Monitoring systems are capable
of monitoring different applications running on different systems over the network, monitors all the systems present in the
network, does capacity planning maintain historical data about systems and applications etc. Control layes does the
command execution, batch job execution on mainframe systems etc. Application layer is to support any external application
that use the system.
• Have taken part in the design and R&D phases actively.
• Was Tech lead of Location Management Systems.
• Tech leader of File transfer Base Systems.
• Led Systems Manager and Configuration manager team.
• Worked extensively with NEC Japan on each phases of the project.
• Was the point of Contact of my team.
OpenDIOSA (Open Distributed Integrated OS Architecture) is an operating base for multi vendor Open Base system. It
configures the systems, supervises Software Locations, System Performances and Important messages. It manages
System Workflow, Batch Job Executions and Command
Executions as and when required. It has a timer service which takes care of all timer related operations for all the
The Architecture consists of a set of managers, agents and supervising consoles. The functions offered by OpenDIOSA
can be categorized as a set of base services and a set of extension services.
• Owned all common components. Fixed bugs and implemented enhancement request.
• Owned all Base components. Fixed bugs and implemented enhancement request.
• Ported base components on Solaris 2.6.
• Co-ordinated with extension module teams.
SCRUBBER system has two main units - Control Unit (CU) & Interactive Voice Recognition Unit(IVRU). The Operation
Administration & Maintenance (OA&M) system, running in the same host as the CU, enables an administrator to maintain
and manage the CU. OAM consists of Report server, Admin agent server, Monitor server and a Tracer Server. CU has
many different components. Tracer server has a common OAM module for logging of various debug and alarm messages
in uniform format. Tracer Server consists of Event server & Log server. It also raises different alarms.
Control Unit interacts with Tracer server through a client library named Client Tracer. This library passes the request it
receives from CU components/OA&M components to the Tracer server. There is a Client Tracer library. This library has to
be called by the components, which want to log message/raise alarm. It performs the formatting of the message and calls
the appropriate methods of the server. There is a separate system daemon process named system monitor to monitor the
unix system. It periodically checks for error in the system and reports accordingly.
• Solely responsible for Log server and Event Server
• Designed and implemented Log Server, Event Server.
• Designed alarm message structure and associated actions.
• Designed and implemented system monitor.
• Wrote test simulator to test all the modules.