About Me
Over 10+ years of experience in Software Development. Worked at client sites and interacted directly with client over requirement gatherings and analysis. Has over 10+ years of experience in Software Development applications Pivotal Certified Spring ...
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Portfolio Projects
Environment : J2EE, Hibernate, Spring, IBM Informix, Soap, Rest Webservices etc
Tools Use : Git, SVN, Eclipse, Junit, FTP, Unix tools. DBeaver, SoapUI, postman etc
Description: The GCDB is a global customer account management system which manages the logistic accounts of customers around the globe. The GCDB also generates the reports and billing for a particular country. Any issues with account information while creation, updation or deletion is reported to the business to take a corrective action.
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Environment : J2EE, Hibernate, Spring, Struts, JSP, Oracle, My SQL, Soap, Rest Webservices, Html, Javascript, Dot Net (front end) etc
Tools Used : Git, SVN, Eclipse, Jira, Junit, Jenkins, FTP etc
Description:. The smart card security system is a shipping hauler security management system integrated with Terminal Operating Systems. E-Terminal System is to provide customers real time updates on various process like Vessel Information, container information, Gate in and Gate out Process etc. WDC & Finance systems are used for Billing. E-Procurement is an online e-tender and bidding system. ECCS is a conventional cargo system used to generate vessel related reports. CBAS is used for ship management and container planning.
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The smart card security system is a shipping hauler security management system integrated with Terminal Operating Systems. E-Terminal System is to provide customers real time updates on various process like Vessel Information, container information, Gate in and Gate out Process etc. WDC & Finance systems are used for Billing. E-Procurement is an online e-tender and bidding system. ECCS is a conventional cargo system used to generate vessel related reports. CBAS is used for ship management and container planning.
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Environment : Core Java, Hibernate, Spring, Struts, JSP, Oracle, Html, Javascript, Tiles, websphere etc
Tools Used : CVS, RAD, Work Request Tool (Defect Tracking)
Description: This system is regarding energy management. The electric and gas energy application modules are used to automate the electric and gas facilitates of US. The Grid Service Provider creates the applications for customers like Large scale industries, Small scale industries, Residential customers, etc and recommends them energy initiatives to save energy.
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Environment : Core Java, Hibernate, Spring, JSF, db2, MySql, Linux, websphere. Etc
Tools Used : SVN, Eclipse, Putty, IBM Maximo (Defect Tracking).
Description: This system is regarding mail communication system. The traditional letter system is replaced by e-letters. The user sends and receives the letters in their mail box and it has additional functionalities like if the user wishes he/she can receive the letter in physical format as well. This application is used in Finland where the traditional mail system is completely replaced by the application.
- Application Development using Java technologies.
- Production Support of the Application.
- Coding and development, bug fixing through best practices.
- Working on mission critical issues and fixing them in real time.
- Attending Daily status report and weekly project meetings.
Environment : Core Java, UML, JSF, Hibernate, Spring, Oracle 11g, websphere
Tools Used : SVN, IBM RSA, Eclipse.
Description: The system is under design phase and currently am working on independent modules to design the architecture using RSA. The basic building blocks are Analysis Model and Design Model which depict the architecture of the application. The application is about the Air Cargo System which tracks the Goods being sent to different destinations.
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Environment : JAVA, J2EE, Oracle 10g, Spring, JSF, JSP, Servlets, XMl, VXML, SVF, Webservices, SOAP, websphere etc
Tools Used : RAD, MKS, Oracle Developer Client. HP Quality Center etc
The customers use the system to interact to do banking operations through telephony. Customer uses PSTN to call the IVR system and have options menu to transfer funds, check statement, mortgages and insurance clearance etc. The Project is related to Interactive Voice response were an actor interacts with the system and hear an automated voice to choose between the options and do various banking related operations like fund transfer, balance check, statement enquiry etc. As independent developer worked on the various modules and enhancements of the project. Developed the modules like insurance and investment, Identification & Validation of customer input, Security Quiz to unblock the customer PBN, PBN Status, Session Management etc.
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Environment : JAVA, Java Swing, Multithreading, Oracle 10g.
Tools Used : Eclipse, SVN, GIT, Oracle Developer Client.
Closely worked on Zodiac various modules and actively contributed in major release ACT(Hong Kong). Zodiac is Real Time LAN based vessel terminal management system. The project is related to shipping cargo where containers are planned, load to the ship or discharge to the Yard as per the advice generated in the system. The system generates an advice to plan and load the inbound container in the vessel or plan and discharge the outbound container to the yard.
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Environment : JAVA, JSF, MySQL, JBoss and Windows
Tools Used : Eclipse, Toad for MySQL, SVN.
Description: Integrated Facilities And Resource Management System is a one portal for all the FM needs. Ifarms has many sub modules of which the below are the two main modules:.
iMMS - Integrated Maintenance Management System is a vital tool for facility management comprising of comprehensive Breakdown Module (BM), Preventive Maintenance Module (PM), Equipment Module (EM) and Reports. Usage of iMMS will give a technological edge in the Facility Management (FM). iMMS empowers the technical work force with vital information to day to day activities in maintaining the facilities.
iDMS - Integrated Document Management System contains digitized documents, blue prints and other technical manuals, which are vital for the technical work force for the daily maintenance activity. Using iDMS gives instant access to the digitized documents without the need for searching hard copies and thereby making the work force paperless.
EMS - Employee Management System contains various modules like employee attendance system, Employee leave tracking System, Employee Salary Management system etc. It automates all the tasks related to human resource tracking and generation of necessary documents like salary slip, attendance sheets, tax management etc.
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