About Me
Java8, Spring Boot, Microservices, Spring framwork, Spring Batch Job, Spring Cloud, aws, Spring Mvc, Rest Api development, ORM, Maven, JSP, Servlet etc
Application design, Development, Cucumber etc
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Portfolio Projects
Lufthansa is the largest airline in Germany and the second largest in Europe, it’s Mobile portal/LH-App is extensively used by Passengers, m.lh.com offer passenger to book, rebooking, check-in, update etc. ● As an Offshore Technical Lead was involved in design discussion, API Integration, Requirement Scoping and estimation for CR’s, end to end technical support in terms of day to day implementation to team, code reviews etc. ● As a senior Java EE Developer, implemented cross cutting aspects like Exception Handling, Logging aspects, Payment Integration with external vendors, designed SOAP based external Api consumption by using Apache AXIS, designed and Implemented UDO tracking (Web-analytics) ● Used Spring MVC, Spring Web-Flow, AOP, DAO, Spring Data JPA Repository,Mysql, Kibana for log monitoring
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Deutsche Bank AG is a German global banking and financial services company, provides high quality banking, application manages customer liability and rate the customer per marking status by capturing financial inputs from their customers. ● Responsible for end to end GMC module development including spring service, dao, sqlMaps and integration with BlazeDS for Adobe Flex. ● Used iBatis as ORM, Querying related operation from Oracle, Apache CFX for SOAP web service integration of External services, Spring Mockito, WebLogic as SIT, UAT and production deployment server, Maven as build tool. ● Integrated Adobe Flex with Spring via BlazeDS, Used Parsley Framework for Managing Application data at UI level ● Developed a feature under Admin Application for configuring dynamic application parameters using JSP, Struts etc
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Citigroup Inc. or Citi is an American multinational investment banking and financial services corporation. The myFi is a self-contained Investment program designed to provide myFi. Clients about comprehensive financial planning advice ● Developed Java services based on Integrated framework on Flex Remote Object Configured with spring Configuration for Java services and Dao with ibatis as ORM, Designed several Flex UI screens as per the module requirements & Created lots of reusable components for modules, populate data Objects (DTOs) from dao ● Developed a Generic Popup framework in Flex, which is used for navigation of application for required modules
● Used : Flex RPC, Spring Framework, JavaBeans, ibatis, Agile Methodology
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The Bank of New York Mellon is a leading financial and asset management and securities services company, there are thousands of reports to display grouped records in form of different chart by analyzing data with different parameters etc. ● Developed system based on Spring integrated with BlazeDS, Flex Cairngorm, Spring Service, DAO, Hibernate ● Design and develop customized Component to display different Charts like Column, Line and Pie etc as per the Requirement, used Apache POI for excel sheet integration ● Created component for Shared Object activities, done drag drop functionality, filtration to data source, etc.
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