Portfolio Projects
Given raspberry cameras set in a shoe store the video pipeline takes care of processing videos and
detecting all the interactions of customers with shoes. The interactions are supposed to then be used
for statistical analysis of shoes’ popularity. Processing includes detection and classification of shoes,
persons, person faces and emotions and save the interactions for further analysis and statistics.
Furthermore, each shelf (2 shelves per store) has 2 raspberry cameras set for it. The first camera
looking at the shelf and the second looking from the shelf and used to detect mainly but not
exclusively customer face and emotions.
Created a data pipeline to quickly digest and synchronize each NBA game’s tracking and play-by-play data into structured units - “Possessions”.
This frameworkdealswith big and raw data and is easilymaintained. It also allows the developer to collect specific data(such asshot probability data, post play andball_screen datasets) for further analysis.
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