About Me
Energetic and curiosity-driven Android developer with 4+years of experience writing top-quality clean code for high-paced businesses in Android Application development. Consummate collaborator with clients, management, and team members and Committed ...
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Portfolio Projects
- Designed and developed native client application for Android mobile devices with extensive user interface development.
- Maintained and administered GIT, BOX, BITBUCKET source code tool.
- Tested by porting the app on multiple devices with various screen sizes and different versions of Android phones to assure quality and performance.
- Worked on implementing complex UI designs and reusable view components.
- Participated in code reviews and architecture design decisions.
- Implemented Gradle build scripts that perform an array of Gradle tasks including code coverage assessment, uploading jar’s to artifactory, signing the release Apk’s and integrated Crashlytics.
- Responsible for design of user interface using various custom layouts, buttons, dialog boxes, alert boxes and different form of widgets.
- Inserted suitable code to capture the various button and text field events and implemented the desired action for each of the widgets.
- Used web views, list views / grid view & populated lists to display the lists from the database using simple adapters.
- Involved in working with Location Manager and Restful web service with JSON and consumed the REST services, getting JSON response and parsing them to get the required information.
- Responsible for designing and implementing Location based service using Google Maps API.
- Developed App screens and its workflow using Activity and Fragments which has views such as List View and Scroll View.
- Download and upload content from back end web server via REST API.
- Worked on third-party libraries, integrating and working with the external SDK's for better product improvement.
- Used Spinners to display a different drop-down menu with all other available values in making a payment and deposit activities.
- Used Broad Cast receivers for the application to access data from phone storage and use services of other applications.
- Used services, Alert Notification API to implement reminder feature into the mobile app and Async Task and multi-threading for Background processing.
- Updated application takes the advantage of newer frameworks and technologies like Firebaseand Databinding Library.
- Designed and developed native client application for Android mobile devices with extensive user interface development.
- Tested by porting the app on multiple devices with various screen sizes and different versions of Android phones to assure quality and performance.
- Worked on implementing complex UI designs and reusable view components.
- Download and upload content from back end web server via REST API.
- Used web views, Recyclerview, list views / grid view & populated lists to display the lists from the database using simple adapters.
- Involved in working with Location Manager and Restful web service with JSON and consumed the REST services, getting JSON response and parsing them to get the required information.
- Used Spinners to display a different drop-down menu with all other available values in making a payment and deposit activities.
- Used Broad Cast receivers for the application to access data from phone storage and use services of other applications.
- Utilized web-services (XML, SOAP, JSON), to tie our applications to critical server-side APIs.
- Used services, Alert Notification API to implement reminder feature into the mobile app and Async Task and multi-threading for Background processing.
- Independently handled modules, scope, analysis, design, build, test the code, debug and implement application.
- Tested by porting the app on multiple devices with various screen sizes and different versions of Android phones to assure quality and performance.
- Worked on implementing complex UI designs and reusable view components.
- Identified and fixed any bugs reported during testing phase of the project.
- Study the Google map V2 API's and its Libraries.
- Develop the application that can locate based on GPS or Network Provider services.
- Parse the fields of GPS and Network Provider to retrieve the latitude and longitudecoordinates and storing the coordinates to SQLite db.
- Design and initialize the DrawGoogleMap activity and pass the coordinates to map and display as a marker with suitable Geocoded Address.
- Provide zoom in, zoom out and center button controls on MAP for user experience
- Test the application on various handsets such as Motorola G2, Samsung Galaxy, Micromax A60, Lenovo K4 note.
- Document the procedure and record the results