About Me
More than 10 years of experience.Strong BackEnd Enginer with vast experience in PHP.I Worked for big clients such as OLA SA, Transatlantica Travel, Grupo Oroño, FederaciónEspañola de Familias Numerosas, improving back-end functionalities ...
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Portfolio Projects
I did the layout and developed the backend
I performed the system and gave support and maintenance
The system consists of 3 elements:
Frontend/ Backend/ Web service
The frontend consists of a form made with bootstrap and jquery, which sends the data to an access point of the web service.
A system administrator manages requests by approving or rejecting them.
The backend manages the data directly with the database (MySQL)
In addition to receiving registration requests, the web service has access points so that other companies can consult certain specific data.
— Developed website — Installation and Implementation of e-learning platform (Moodle) for different clients — Maintenance its web site and e-learning platform of clients — Investigation about new technologies — Setting deadlines in new projects — Manage servers and hosting — Deployment support
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