About Me
Experienced PHP developer with expertise in various frameworks and technologies. Skilled in developing web applications and APIs....
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Portfolio Projects
I use Laravel As Front End Framework as user management where the goods data are coming from express JS as Backend Framework using AJAX (on the view side) or using controller (using plugin). The CSS, JS, Javascript is on the view side of Laravel Framework. The Laravel as a php framework then take data and view it on the table or form. The Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete Action using SQL is performed on Backend Framework where the user interface (the The Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete button) is shown on Front End Framework. This application is using 2 different database. Both are using MYSQL database platform.
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I use Beego as a framework MVC or OOP to develop GOLANG based application web to develop API based as the backend to perform Create Retrieve Update Delete operations using SQL query where the request is sent from front end side auctions so that the front end side can perform POST request to the API Beego securely. The database is using postgreSQL and CORS installed on beego for cross site API. The front end side is showing Create Retrieve Update Delete user interface and the execution is on the beego framework side. The beego is secured that only certain web can access it.
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develope nusatrip.com, nusatrip.com/mobile, nusatrip.com
: I use Laravel as a framework MVC or OOP to develop PHP based application Web on pelayanan.jakarta.go.id to develop the website, master, report so that the development is much easy because it is structured frameworks and a lot of command line to create file, database, import, model, and clean the data if you move laravel from one PC to another PC. I use Javascript with angular JS as OOP Javascript as a based languange that is used on client side to build the website or manipulate data such as onclick function, onfocus function so that the website is much interactive on view site. I use AJAX to deliver data to server side (PHP side) from client side to transferred data to be saved, edited, or deleted by user. I use AJAX to deliver data to server side (PHP side) from client side to transferred data to be saved, edited, or deleted by user. I use Jquery on the client side to build the website or manipulate data such as onclick function, onfocus function so that the website is much interactive on view site. I use CSS to improve website display by adding Bootstrap library on the client side so that the writing of CSS can be much easy. CSS can be edited also by CSS debugging mode on Mozilla firefox so that the display of edited CSS can be accurate. I use JSON as data type which type of data as what we get from AJAX from server side which needs to be decoded first so that the JSON can be read. I use JSON as data type which type of data as what we get from AJAX from server side which needs to be decoded first so that the JSON can be read. We work remotely as a part of developer team or on office. I use GIT so that the development can be versioning on GITLAB online
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: I use Laravel as a framework MVC or OOP to develop PHP based application Web on etuis to develop the leave, master, report, date of leave, employee so that the development is much easy because it is structured frameworks and a lot of command line to create file, database, import, model, and clean the data if you move laravel from one PC to another PC. I use Javascript with angular JS as OOP Javascript as a based languange that is used on client side to build the website or manipulate data such as onclick function, onfocus function so that the website is much interactive on view site. I use AJAX to deliver data to server side (PHP side) from client side to transferred data to be saved, edited, or deleted by user. I use AJAX to deliver data to server side (PHP side) from client side to transferred data to be saved, edited, or deleted by user. I use Jquery on the client side to build the website or manipulate data such as onclick function, onfocus function so that the website is much interactive on view site. I use CSS to improve website display by adding Bootstrap library on the client side so that the writing of CSS can be much easy. CSS can be edited also by CSS debugging mode on Mozilla firefox so that the display of edited CSS can be accurate. I use JSON as data type which type of data as what we get from AJAX from server side which needs to be decoded first so that the JSON can be read. I use JSON as data type which type of data as what we get from AJAX from server side which needs to be decoded first so that the JSON can be read. We work remotely as a part of developer team. I used it when developed the website. I use GIT so that the development can be versioning on GITLAB online. I also use CI/CD workflows.
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Using Code Ignitier as a framework MVC or OOP to develop PHP based application Web on PT GOS INDORAYA to develope develop report, master, data transaction, data payroll, BPJS Transaction and BPJSKes Transaction, ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning) such as overtime, leave, payroll, transfer, BPJS,BPJSTk,PKWT, using client & server side development. I use POSTGRESQL as a database to save,edit,delete data that is send from application web. I use Javascript as a based languange that is used on client side to build the website or manipulate data such as onclick function, onfocus function so that the website is much interactive on view site. I use AJAX to deliver data to server side (PHP side) from client side to transferred data to be saved, edited, or deleted by user. I use Jquery on the client side to build the website or manipulate data such as onclick function, onfocus function so that the website is much interactive on view site. I use datagrid as a PHP library or Jquery library to structure the display of data so the data can be display as much as a table on the client side or server side. I use CSS to improve website display by adding Bootstrap library on the client side so that the writing of CSS can be much easy. CSS can be edited also by CSS debugging mode on Mozilla firefox so that the display of edited CSS can be accurate. I use JSON as data type which type of data as what we get from AJAX from server side which needs to be decoded first so that the JSON can be read. I use CRON jobs to backup database on 00.00 AM everyday.
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using OS windows, MYSQL, Web Hosting, PHP, Code Igniter
Designation : Using Mockup and adobe photoshop
My role in this project : As Freelance Programmer
Project Details And Technical Skills : Using Code Ignitier as a framework MVC or OOP to develope http://portal.pranataindonesia.ac.id/, https://www.pranataindonesia.ac.id/ to the website, Develope report, master, data transaction, colleger’s data, lecturer’s data, payroll, lecturering schedule, absent’s form of colleger, absent’s form of lecturer, biodata of candidate of colleger. I use MySQL as a database to save,edit,delete data that is send from application web. I use Javascript as a based languange that is used on client side to build the website or manipulate data such as onclick function, onfocus function so that the website is much interactive on view site. I use AJAX to deliver data to server side (PHP side) from client side to transferred data to be saved, edited, or deleted by user. I use Jquery on the client side to build the website or manipulate data such as onclick function, onfocus function so that the website is much interactive on view site. I use CSS to improve website display by adding Bootstrap library on the client side so that the writing of CSS can be much easy. CSS can be edited also by CSS debugging mode on Mozilla firefox so that the display of edited CSS can be accurate. I use JSON as data type which type of data as what we get from AJAX from server side which needs to be decoded first so that the JSON can be read.
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Using Code Ignitier as a framework MVC or OOP to develop PHP based application Web to Develope report, master, data transaction, data warehouse, data purchasing. I use MySQL as a database to save,edit,delete data that is send from application web. I use Javascript as a based languange that is used on client side to build the website or manipulate data such as onclick function, onfocus function so that the website is much interactive on view site. I use AJAX to deliver data to server side (PHP side) from client side to transferred data to be saved, edited, or deleted by user. I use Jquery on the client side to build the website or manipulate data such as onclick function, onfocus function so that the website is much interactive on view site. I use CSS to improve website display by adding Bootstrap library on the client side so that the writing of CSS can be much easy. CSS can be edited also by CSS debugging mode on Mozilla firefox so that the display of edited CSS can be accurate. I use JSON as data type which type of data as what we get from AJAX from server side which needs to be decoded first so that the JSON can be read.
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