About Me
I have an approximate 8.7 yrs of experience and I am currently working as a Technical Lead at ExcelSoft Technology Pvt Ltd.
I have a great experience with developing applications on Java, NodeJS and I have also worked on, Python, Machine l...
I have also worked with Spring and Spring boot for a great duration of my career.
In Java, I have done end to end development including application development and support experience, and database interaction.
I have greatly worked with REST web services using spring as well as in NodeJS.
I have a great experience with Frontend technologies like Angular, React.
I have strong experience in databases SQL and NoSQL.
I have also worked on AWS services like s3 and lambda with API Gateway.
I have also worked on Node and NPM for project management.
I have also used JIRA in my projects.
I have worked with a repository server like Github, Bitbucket.
I follow Agile methodology for my projects and have regular Scrum Call
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Portfolio Projects
Project : Boson.
URL : www.pbskids.org
Client : PBS(USA).
Duration : From Oct 2016 onwards.
Environment : Java, Node.js, Javascript, ReactJs, AWS, EC2, S3, Lambda.
Role : Tech Lead.
Detail : Boson is a web based e-learning application, It allows to create/update/delete of various aggregation computation on the stream of incoming events. It's provide a JavaScript based DSL to write the computation in the Web interface inside a code editor and save the computation result into the radis server, Graph based visualization of computations to show which computation depends on which computation events.
• Develop web services all type of events.
• Develop admin panel for same.
• Developed JavaScript based DSL to write the computations in the Web interface inside a code editor
• Develop the UI for the application.
Project : Progress Tracker.
URL : www.pbskid.org
Client : PBS(USA).
Duration : From Oct 2016 onwards.
Environment : Python, Django, AWS, EC2, S3, Lambda, Machine Learning, Deep Learning.
Role : Tech Lead.
Detail : Progress tracker is a web based e-learning application, Where kids game events data handled and perform the computation operation. Events can be different type like Game, Video, Activities. Application data is based on Tags(Development, Research, Production, Staging), We can also tag particular event data for a specific tag, We are using versioning similar to git functionality. We also providing import and export functionality so that we can import export Game/Videos/Activities events data. Providing recommendation for kids activities and interest to their parents.
• Develop web services for Events handling.
• Develop admin panel for same.
• Develop queues for message broker.
• Customize Django-reversion and Django import/export module.
Project : Canvas.
URL : http://canvas.mckinsey.com/
Client : Mckinsey & company.
Duration : From Oct 2015 to Sep 2016.
Environment : Java, Node.js, AngularJs, ReactJs, Ruby, Compass gem, NPM, Bower, JQuery,
JavaScript Bootstrap, MySql, Mongo, Redis, GIT, Grunt, Gulp.
Role : Team Lead.
Detail : Canvas is a platform for developing Mckinsey application. With the help of canvas, we can save time (avoiding pain test, deploying on environments etc ) and code reuse(by using micro-services like Seneca, Wallace etc), money. it provides micro-services (Seneca, Wallace, Skeuos etc). Seneca is used for authentication and authorization while Wallace provides data storage etc. it’s a role-based platform.
• Develop web services for user, role and project creation.
• Develop a password algorithm according to company policy.
• Develop scripts for uptime services.
• Worked on some support project those are deployed on this platform like MSG.
Project : Voice.
URL : https://voice.mckinsey.com, http://voice-npn.mckinsey.com/
Client : Mckinsey & company.
Duration : From May 2015 to Oct 2015.
Environment : Node.js, Angular Js, Sails, Redis, Ruby, Compass gem, NPM, Bower, JQuery, JavaScript,
Bootstrap, GIT, Grunt.
Role : Team Lead.
Detail : Voice is a real-time interaction tool. it is primarily a real-time LAN/WI-FI application. "Real-time" means that the presenter must be logged in for attendees to use it. The presenter will be asking attendees questions by projecting his/her screen onto a projector. Attendees will read the questions on the projector image (or shared desktop projection), then they will be expected to use their own mobile, tablet, or laptop device to respond to the question within a few seconds by submitting a web-based form, served by the presenters laptop over the LAN/WI-FI.
• Develop mails functionality for login, charge, support team, report data etc.
• Develop Node.Js web services.
• Develop a password algorithm according to company policy.
• Develop Web-socket capability.
• Develop scheduler for mail functionality.
• Develop Rest API’s for download, emails etc.
Project : CLKS(Cisco learning Knowledge suite).
URL : https://preview.ciscoknowledgesuite-poc.com.
Client : Cisco System.
Duration : From March 2014 to May 2015.
Environment : Spring 3.2, Node.js, Ember JS, Moodle, Mongo DB, JQuery, JavaScript,
Bootstrap, GIT, Open AM ,Grunt.
Role : Software Developer.
Detail : CLKS is an online e-learning application. In this application Users (Learner, Normal User, Admin) can interact and collaborate with each other. A user can create Blogs, Wikis, Questions, can also share documents, embed link and videos. Users can also join courses, community and create own notes and knowledge library etc.
A user can also create your own Circle of trust (COT) and can chat with other members of communities. A user can also get all public activity and notification related to blogs, wikis, questions, communities.
• Develop Ember.Js client side MVC .
• Develop Node.Js web services.
• Develop an Ember pagination script.
• Display application data on client side by using Node.js.
Project : EDWAM.
Client : Fidelity Investments
Duration : From January 2013 to February 2014.
Environment : J2EE, Windows XP, spring 3.2, Hibernate, JPA, JQuery, JavaScript,
Apache Tomcat, Oracle, SVN.
Role : Software Developer.
Detail : EDWAM is an application that manages back end data of stock share market application. It is used to show all the information about funds on the basis of "Current Day" and "Historical day". We can also configure fund information, show warning and error logs. Monitor jobs by using Quartz scheduler.
• Developing Controller, DAO and Service layers.
• Configure data from the back end for a main application like holidays, fund group etc.
• To Approve/Release/Transmit a fund at fund and security label.
• Export data on fund or security label.
• Manage Quartz schedule jobs.
• Handle Data on fund and security label.
• Development, Write test cases, Unit testing and Implementation Support.
Project : TimeTracker.
URL : Desktop Application.
Client : Coddefire Technology.
Duration : From October 2013 to February 2014.
Environment : Core Java, Swing, Node.Js, Mysql, platforms (Windows, Linux, and Mac), SVN.
Role : Software Developer.
Detail : This single-install download is the full Team client application, which will only be fully functional if used in conjunction with your team. It can track your, screen, time, key and mouse and also will upload the activity once you connect to the internet .it works for all the platforms like Windows, Linux, and Mac.
• Developing services for event and capturing screen.
• Develop web services.
• Service for finding a list of installed software and compare them on the system.
• Display application data on the server side by using Node.Js.
Project : Portfolio Turnover.
Client : Fidelity Investments
Duration : From September 2012 to April 2013.
Environment : J2ee, Windows XP, spring 3.1, Hibernate, JPA, JQuery, JavaScript, Apache Tomcat, Oracle, SVN.
Role : Software Developer.
Detail : Portfolio is an application that manages back end data of stock share market application. It is used to show all the information about Reports. In this application, a report can manage or create on the basis of Portfolio or Trade Activity. In the Portfolio, we manage or create a report on the basis of configuring, Transaction, Security, Calculation, Data Issue, Audit Log. In Trade Activity we manage or create a report on the basis on time period like a year, quarter based.
• Developing Controller, DAO and Service layers.
• Display data from the back end for the main application in grid view.
• Export data on report label or report details label.
• Adjust a report on transaction or security label.
• Handle Data on fund and security label.
• Create a copy of Reports; view a report as pdf or web page.
Project : Stat Trader
Client : Vesali Software
Duration : From Oct 2012 to Dec 2012.
Environment : J2EE, Sping 3.2, Hibernate, JQuery, Apache Tomcat, and MySQL.
Role : Software Developer.
Detail : Stat-trader is a financial application where data from XBRL is imported into a MySQL database using batch processes. This import process is a complex engine written to parse the data and import in the database. The engine is completely driven by XML based configurations since XBRL is the complex and very flexible format for data. Also, developed a web-based frontend for display of data using Spring framework.
• Developing Controller, DAO and Service layers.
• Configure data from the back end for the main application like company information, various roles in the company.
• Sharing of company data with various users and setting or user privilege using spring security.
• Export the data in various excel formats for reports.
• Manage Quartz schedule jobs to schedule the data import.
Product : E-tds (Employee Tax Deduction System).
URL : Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.
Duration : From 2011 to August 2012.
Environment : J2ee on Windows XP, spring, Apache Tomcat and MySql as database
Role : Software Developer.
Detail\ : This software “e-tds” is used for Collecting physical TDS [Tax Deduction at Source] & TCS[Tax Collection at Source] return in electronic format and maintain Database for generation of the e-TDS return file, keeping proper checks and balances of TDS deducted and deposited by deductor and credit claimed thereof by deductees have always been matters of concern for ITD. Keeping in view the problems, ITD is providing the facility for furnishing TDS returns in electronic form. Moreover, The user can generate Print copies of Form 16, 16AA, 16A, Form 24Q, 26Q, 27Q & 27EQ for quarterly returns and Form 27. While preparing the return the data is validated for the relevant and correct information and after that, the e-TDS return file in clean text ASCII format with 'txt' extension as prescribed by ITD is generated.
• Developing Controller and DAO layer.
• Developing Controller Service.
• Reports (pdf) generation.
• Developed JSP pages with JSTL with use of Tiles for Views.
• Use DWR for returning quick Response to the Views.