Portfolio Projects
This is my first Magento Project and its 1.9 version. Its an jelwery site with customized map(any address can be rendered on the necklace as a map) products and custom store locator concepts. Currently, migrated this site from 1.9 to 2.2.5. I am a dedicated resource in this project for 1. 5 years
Technologies: Magento(PHP), JS, JQuery, KnockoutJS, API & AJAX, MySQL
Duration: 2 Years
Role: Senior Developer (Dedicate)
Description: To sell sports product through SFCC with the base of SFRA. Defined &
extended below feature
New custom attributes for products, order and customers
Extending Controllers from SFRA
Page Designer setup
Payment Gateway integration (Partial)
Gift Certificates – Create & send GC, receiver purchase using the GC.
Custom Newsletter integration with Custom Objects
Campaigns & promotions-based content slots.
Integrating third-party JS(Babylon JS) for 3D images processing + 360 degree
Cart page with the additional custom attributes + Custom Additional Price on
Technologies: JS, NodeJS
Duration: 7 months
Role: Backend Developer
This is a web application developed using MVC PHP(YII), Angular JS, Node JS and jQuery. In this Project, user can browse job for any category and also post job for any category and one more thing is user can getting money for sharing their talent in online video chat through neurno with other user who need these type of talent
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EasiLogistics (
Description: Delivery web application for both the user and delivery man where they
can track their products in real-time. Driver application has a unique process of finding
the shortest delivery processes. if 3 deliveries at a time. It sorted out with the shortest
to longest delivery path.
Duration: 1 Years
Role: Backend Developer
Description: Allow users to pray at their own time with the mobile apps. Real-time updated
prayers(audio/video), update users with the recent news, donation processes.
Real-time updated prayers(audio/video)
Update users with the recent News
Donation processes(Onetime or recurring)
Technologies: HTML/CSS, VueJS, Laravel, Paypal
Duration: 3 months
Role: Back End Developer