About Me
To pursue a challenging career in a progressive environment where learning, innovation and creativity are encouraged, where my skills & knowledge can be enhanced to their maximum potential to contribute to the overall success and growth of the Organi...
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Portfolio Projects
Th e m a in o bjective o f th e p r o j ect i s to p r o vide better Insurance for user or Clint. In this project can appear in dif ferent type of Insurance (like that Car, bike, home, Lif e etc) as per user/ Clint draw their insurance and there total number amount can see . The interaction of the user with the project is so easy their Insurance and easy to process.
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Th e m a in o bjective o f th e p r o j ect i s to p r o vide better graphical environment f or user. In this project the user can appear in the examination as per his convenience and got the result quickly and correct. The interaction of the user with the project is so easy that user can easily attempt the question and got the result
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