About Me
Experienced Chief Architect with a focus on OSS/NMS, Network Analytics, and Casino Gaming domains. Skilled in software architecture, design, implementation, and testing. Strong background in Java-based applications and automation tools like Ansible, ...
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Portfolio Projects
Designed a solution using Sparkjava REST framework to simulate the Gaming Table operations. Integrated already developed C++ application with Sparkjava based REST framework to call C++ APIs using REST java calls and initiate the Baccarat gaming functionalities for e.g. PlaceBet, TakeBet, PayBet etc.
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A Java, Shell & SQL Loader based ETL application to load performance data into Oracle Tables. Java is being used here to create the records that need to uploaded in the Oracle tables. Java has a good performance in creating large set of data in files. The ETL application simulates 4G KPIs and the resources typically involved in a 4G Telecom network.
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The repository consists of simulating 3G & 4G KPI data in the form of CSV files. Following KPIs, SNMP attributes and their abitrary data has been simulated using flat records in CSV files. These records can directly be inserted into any database or any File based processing engine: pdpContextsetupTime timeToRegister httpRoundTripDelay MAN_Up CAN_Up EDN_Up MAN_Down CAN_Down EDN_Down SDU_Lost SDU_Transmitted Errored_Bits Healthy_Bits GSN_Congestion serviceResourceCapacity ServiceRequestLoad ifInOctets ifOutOctets ifInErrors ifOutErrors ifInUnknownProtos ifInDiscards ifOutDiscards dot1dStpPortEnable cpmCPUTotal1minRev ciscoMemoryPoolUsed ciscoMemoryPoolFree icmpInEchos icmpInEchoReps ssnmpInPkts snmpOutPkts
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JMeter was used to test AJAX based application. Following were my roles and responsibilities:
-- Create JMeter Test Plan and call REST APIs of AJAX application
-- Gather, Analyze & Interpret performance statistics given by the running tests
-- Include the same test in CI/ CD and run performance tests Nightly
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Kubernetes 4 node Cluster using Vagrant and Ansible
This is a sample project to create a 4 node cluster (Master = 1, Workers = 3). Vagrantfile creates 4 Virtual VMs in VirtualBox and then ansible scripts are used to install prequisite softwares required to configure and run Kubernetes.
How to create Kubernetes Cluster
Run following commands on a terminal to clone this project and then execute a script which creates all VMs, Installs Kubernetes binaries, Creates a Cluster with 4 nodes and then joins 3 worker nodes with master:
$ git clone https://github.com/v1pankaj/vagrant-k8s-4-node-cluster.git
$ cd vagrant-k8s-4-node-cluster $ ./create-k8s-cluster.sh
Once the script execution completes, execute following command to verify the cluster:
$ vagrant ssh k8smaster
$ sudo kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o wide
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