About Me
Broad knowledge and experience in consumer-facing software product development. 2 years professional experience in tech and fin-tech industry.
Specializing in the following Technologies:
- JavaScript (ES6, ES7, ES8, React Nat... Show More
Portfolio Projects
- Developed a web app for admins and health workers for nutrition center to manage internal operations such as managing events and keeping track of records of preschoolers profile.
- Implemented a body mass index calculator for a toddlers or preschoolers with specific range of age automated by the calculator. The calculator will tell the user if the preschooler was (severely underweight, underweight, healthy, overweight, obese).
- Implemented a graph that shows the history and progress of toddler or preschooler body mass index and health condition to help the health workers make decision base on the data presented.
- Developed a mobile app for parents to on board or register their toddlers or preschoolers in the platform.