About Me
I am a Software Architect and an expert developer. I have worked as a developer, team leader and architect in 10 plus years of developing applications and frameworks. My interest lies in Web applications, Design Pattern driven development, Scalable C...
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Portfolio Projects
I was team leader of product and search components. We were 7 people with me. I worked almost 4 years for n11.com
- I was planning and managing development sprints
- I was responsible from human resources staff, I mean find people to interview, interview with her/him, hire, etc,
- I was responsible from my team performance evulation
- I was responsible from codebase quality
I developed following projects while working for n11.com
- n11.com (End user website, backoffice, callcenter, selleroffice, batch application, async application)
- RtDash (It is a real time dashboard for e commerce platform statics monitoring)
- Bazaar Project (Affilete networks connector)
- CSV generator (15M product's xml and csv creator)
- Recommendation Engine (Graph database based recommendation engine)
I have designied and developed an auction platform for real estate property marketplace. I am working for tapu.com since April 2016.
I have used ec2, rds, s3, cloudfrount as aws services.
Tapu.com is a startup project and i joined the team on early stage.
I was a single developer to design, implement, deploy and monitor the system. But now we are small team which has three member, one frontend developer and one backend developer and me.
I am leading this small team and responsible from tapu.com technology decision. I designed and implemented Future job project which is a java,mongodb project. It is saving tasks for future and process them when time is reached.
I designed and implemented Customer graph project which is a pyhton,neo4j,mysql,mongodb project. It is collecting customer data from system persisted from mysql, mongodb and then persisting to graph database.
Business analysts are using graph database to discover new selling opportunities.
I was team leader of project. We were 3people with me. I worked almost 1years for apartmantv.com.I worked as a project based freelancer.
- I was planning and managing development sprints
- I was responsible from human resources staff, I mean find people to interview, interview with her/him, hire, etc,
- I was responsible from production deployment and monitoring
- I was responsible from codebase quality
I am a senior developer member of distributed remote team. I am working on single sign on project implementation which name is PAI-PASS. As a senior developer I am responsible from developing new features, code quality, QA and Staging enviroment setup and deployment.
PAI-Block explorer
Block explorer is a web tool that provides detailed information about PAI blocks, addresses, and transactions.As a senior developer I am responsible from developing new features, code quality, QA and Staging enviroment setup and deployment.