Franklin P.

Franklin P.

Full Stack Software Engineer

Oviedo , United States

Experience: 30 Years


Oviedo , United States

Full Stack Software Engineer

108000 USD / Year

  • Immediate: Available

30 Years

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About Me

  • 30+ years of experience in software requirements, design, development, implementation, testing & maintenance
  • Have done all three tiers of software:
    • Front End (User Interface): Angular 2, Angular 4, X-...
    • For the ESB, I have experience with the following:
      • Software AG Integration Platform with webMethods Developer
      • Oracle Service Bus with Message Flows
      • Fiorano SOA Platform
      • JBOSS ESB
    • Have worked in software design, testing, and development covering all facets of Full Stack Development
      • Server, Network, and Hosting Environment
      • Data Modeling
      • Business Logic
      • API Layer / Action Layer / MVC
      • User Interface / User Experience
      • Understanding what the customer and business need
    • 4.5+ years of experience working in the Electric/Water Utility industry under Orlando Utilities Commission
    • 12+ years of experience working in the telecommunications industry under Bellcore, Martin Marietta, Syniverse, Verizon, and AT&T Bell Laboratories
    • 2+ years of experience working inside a private company, Computer Sciences Corporation, on a software project for a government agency, Bureau of Land Management
    • 1+ years of experience working in the pharmaceutical software industry under Transaction Data Systems
    • 3+ years of experience working in the Internet/Intranet and E-commerce industry under BDM Technologies, Active Assets, Citibank, and Synthelogic
    • 2+ years of experience working in the Radiology Information Systems industry under Amicas
    • 3+ years experience in the Healthcare industry under Amicas and Transaction Data Systems
    • 0.5 year(s) of experience working in the airline in-flight entertainment industry under LiveTV/Thales
    • 4.6+ years experience with Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) using Software AG Integration Server 7.1.3, Software AG Message Broker 7.1.3, Software AG webMethods Developer 7.1.3, Software AG MyWebMethods Server 7.1.3, Oracle Service Bus (OSB), Oracle Service Bus (OSB) Message Flow, and Fiorano SOA Platform 2007
    • 0.5 year(s) of experience working in the banking industry software under Citibank
    • 15+ years of experience in the UNIX platform
    • 4+ years of experience in HP-UX platform
    • 5+ years of experience in Linux platform – Debian and CentOS
    • 10+ years of experience in the Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT, Windows XP, Windows 7 Enterprise and Windows 2000 Professional platforms
    • 17.5+ years of experience in Object-Oriented Design - programming with C++ & Java
    • 6+ years of experience in Object-Oriented Design - programming with C++
    • 15+ years of experience in Object-Oriented Design - programming with Java
    • 4 years of experience programming in the C language
    • 4 years of experience in X-Windows/Motif Graphical User Interface Design & Programming
    • 15+ years of experience in relational database design, RDBMS, and SQL programming
    • 1.5 years of experience in relational database design - programming with Informix-4GL and Informix-SQL
    • 5+ years of experience in relational database design - programming in Oracle SQL+ and Oracle SQL Lite
    • 1 year of experience in relational database design - programming in Sybase
    • 0.5 year(s) experience in relational database programming and administration in MySQL
    • 0.5 years(s) experience in relational database programming and administration in PostgreSQL
    • 4+ year(s) experience in relational database programming in Microsoft SQL Server
    • 8+ years of experience programming with JDBC
    • 4 years of experience in Web Development (i.e., as a Web Developer) & Java Beans
    • 10+ years of experience doing client/server & Internet/Intranet programming with Java, Java Applets, Java Servlets, Java Server Pages (JSP), JDBC, CORBA, Visibroker for Java, HTML, JavaScript, & LiveWire
    • 10+ years of experience using Integrated Development tools such as JBuilder, Visual Café, Eclipse, IntelliJ, NetBeans, & PowerJ
    • 2 years experience with Java Swing
    • 4+ year(s) experience using Ant Build Management tool and Makefile
    • 6+ years experience with Apache Tomcat Web Server
    • 3+ year(s) experience with BEA Weblogic Server
    • 8.5+ year(s) experience in J2EE
    • 2+ year(s) experience in Enterprise Java Beans (EJB)
    • 6+ year(s) experience with SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) and RESTful Web Services
    • 6+ years experience using Soap UI Test Tool
    • 2+ year(s) experience with Struts
    • 4+ years of experience programming in XML, XSLT & XHTML
    • 3 year(s) experience in XML Schema
    • 5.5+ years of experience programming in Lex, Yacc, Awk, Korn shell, tcsh shell, & Perl
    • 2+ year(s) experience with RESTFul Web Services and JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) message structure
    • 3 years experience in real-time application development using Object-Oriented methodologies, HP BASIC, C, C++, and Java
    • 3+ years experience with Grails and Groovy Script
    • 1.0 year(s) experience with Python and Jython

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Portfolio Projects


Automated Test System). During this period, I did the following on AT&T, Sun, & SolarisUNIX platforms:
 wrote and coded ISDN MLHG test plan in C++
 wrote and coded analog MLHG & other test plans in HP BASIC
 tested these plans for compliance with Bellcore telephone switching requirements
 was a member of a two-man design team that developed a high-level model forCSATS using an Object-Oriented paradigm based on the Yourdon, Booch, &Rumbaugh methodologies and implemented it in C++
o did static modeling of CSATS to identify the class hierarchy relationshipssuch as parent-child and data attributes, identifying components such astypes of messages (SS7 & ISDN), hardware equipments, telephonefeatures, telephone lines and trunks, etc.
o did dynamic modeling of CSATS to determine how the various classesinteract with each other using event response diagrams, state diagrams,
and component views, thus identifying the functions (i.e., methods)associated with each class
 coded SS7 ISDNUP message and protocol controller classes using C++
 designed & coded Graphical User Interface using X-Windows/Motif library set
 gained extensive knowledge of Revision Control System, dbx, C++, SS7, & ISDN
 real-time application development using HP BASIC hardware interface librariesand C++

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As a software/database developer for MINTS (Martin Marietta Inventory Network Telecommunications System), I did the following on an AT&T UNIXplatform:
 wrote software requirements for a database application that was supposed to keeptrack of the state of data and voice telecommunications network devices withinMartin Marietta
 designed database using a relational database paradigm & Entity-Relationship(E-R) modeling
 implemented & coded the database application in Informix-4GL & Informix-SQL
 was involved in User Interface Design using X-Windows/Motif and UIM/X UserInterface Management System

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Software developer for AT&T CMS (Call Management System).During this period of working at AT&T Bell Laboratories, I did the following on anAT&T UNIX platform:
 wrote software design documents for certain portions (Vector Contents, RealtimeDatabase, and Exceptions Distributor) of the G3V4 CMS requirements
 implemented & coded the design in C++
 gained experience using the SUBLIME Product Administration System andCOMPAS

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Software developer/subcontractor to Tsunami where
the client is Computer Sciences Corporation / Bureau of Land Management. During thisperiod I did the following on an AIX platform:
 designed and coded an internal test tool program that tested ConvenienceWidgets, which are data structures representing a graphical object composed of Motif widgets; coded it using C and X-Windows/Motif library
 did object modeling for business application where objects acted as an interfacebetween business application and database API functions; documented objects definition, public & private functions, public & private data) using Framemaker
 wrote PDL (Program Description Language) to describe (a) the software units(i.e., functions) of objects and (b) the processing and control logic withinsoftware units; implemented PDL using C language code; wrote unit test plans for software units
 wrote program that would take a *.c file and obtain statistics about the file, suchas the function definitions, function calls, and which functions were static;
implemented using lex, yacc, & C language code
 wrote program that would convert C code to PDL; implemented using Korn shell,awk, lex, yacc, & C language code
 wrote program that would compare the function calls made outside of a *.c filewith the function calls made inside the same *.c file in Teamwork and reportdiscrepancies; implemented using Korn shell, awk, Teamwork library calls & Clanguage code
 did additions and corrections to the Computer Human Interface part of the client software using C, X-Windows (Xt & X) library, & Motif library
 wrote various other utility programs implementing them in Korn shell, Perl, &Awk
 used CADRE Teamwork as a CASE tool
 used Insure and Dbx as debugging tools

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As a member of the Internet/Intranet development group, I didthe following on Windows 95, Windows NT, and Solaris platform environments:
 studied, recommended, & used the Razor Configuration Management & ProblemTracking tool; customized tool using Korn shell programming
 Object-Oriented modeling using the Rumbaugh methodology for a customizable,web-based, database-independent learning/training tool - using the Visio softwarepackage for drawing the model
 Coded the learning/training tool using Java, JDBC, and Servlets
 Coded relational database interface for the learning/training tool using Java andJDBC
 Did Entity-Relationship (E-R) modeling for the persistent store objects of thelearning/training tool - using the Erwin software data modeling tool
 client/server programming with Java, JDBC, CORBA, Visibroker for Java,HTML, JavaScript, & LiveWire
 designed & coded Java classes; documentation of Java classes using JavaDoc
 database programming using Oracle SQL+ database and JDBC
 real-time application development using CORBA and Java
 used Rational Rose Object-Oriented tool & Microsoft Visual Café IDE

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