About Me
Data Analyst and Engineering Graduate from PUNE University MAHARASHTRA. Having related experience to statistical & quantitative analysis using R, Python and data driven decision-making and have good understanding of Data Mining techniques....
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Portfolio Projects
Based on the historical data such as membership, driving data, personal data etc., are used in the analysis to predict how people are likely to claim the amount.
- Exploratory Data Analysis on Historical Data
- Identifying the important features and filling missing data with imputation techniques
- Segregate the data into train and test data, and build some classification models.
- Running a clustering model on most important columns and obtained good values of sensitivity and specificity
- Building a regression model with Logistic Regression
- Building a decision tree model using historical data
Tools & Techniques: R, Regression, Clustering, Python, Supervised learning
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To predict surrounding temperature of brake disc
- Surrounding temperature of brake disc is dependent on temperature of brake disc and vehicle speed
- Using Multiple linear regression, surrounding prediction model was built which involves initial exploratory data analysis
- It also involved finding if input variable has any co-linearity problem using scatter plot and correlation matrix
- After verifying, prediction model was built
- Coefficient of determination (R2) was found to be 86 %
- Now this model is been used to calculate surrounding temperature and hence for brake cool down analysis.
Tools & Techniques: R and Excel. : Linear Regression, scatter diagram, Normality check, added variable plot, VIF, Residual plots, Index plot.
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