About Me
Software Engineer with 4 years and 6 months of experience in various languages like Python, Node JS, Angular 2, worked on cloud service like AWS and Machine Learning NLP concepts. Mostly worked on python related tasks....
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Portfolio Projects
Collected data points from various amazon api (asin info,oxylabs,asinator)
Architected overall process of this project
Text Classification has been done for amazon titles, brand, manufactures, breadcrumb, productgroup,
category, description, feature
NLP Pre-processing has done for amazon texts
Various machine learning algorithms were analyzed and implemented
Similar titles were grouped using elastic search
Google translation, matecate translation api were analyzed and implemented
NLP Preprocessing, Classification, Grouping
Vector Space Model, Dimension reductions(Tf-Idf, LSI), Text similarity algorithms implemented
Worked on Semantic text similarity Word2Vec, FastText, GloveVec, Doc2Vec, WordNet
Wored on Character based similarity – Fuzzywuzzy, Jaro, Jaro-Winkler, Levenshtein, Damerau–
Levenshtein, Sorensen, Ngram
Worked on term-based similarity – Cosine similarity, Jaccard Similarty
Model built, created index from corpus, queried to collected similar amazon products from model instantly
Product utilized AWS resources listed out and developed dashboard for that
Staging, Product environment creation for product
Various utility tasks were done for the project
Android App was developed with small utility
Prepared System monitoring controller scripts using linux commands
AWS automatic resource allocation (Auto attach, detach, mount, unmount, etc.) scripts
AWS effective resource selection (Best region to keep codes, best instance for better performance, etc.)
Log rotate to clean up
AWS customized bill generator was developed
Automatic Code sync between 4 regions repositories (Github) and get notification of that with updated
code percentage