About Me
Having over 5 Years experienced with Web development in Python, Django and Node. Well familiar with JS stacks like Angular, React and Vue.JS Hands on experience with Meteor, GraphQL and Redux I also have experience in deploying apps on: - Heroku -...
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Portfolio Projects
Implemented web sockets for dynamic notification, resolved issues reported by the client, Worked on an analytic feature. Designed for Projects that are agile, have rapid task assignments or reassignments, resource churn, and global collaboration across multiple time zones. Project and task management is no longer in a black hole. Understand progress and time worked at a glance by account, project, deliverable, resource, or task priority. Business owners get paid when invoices are paid. Submit time sheets, expense reports and engagement status reports quickly and be assured that all the hours are in balance with your client retainers and the amount you bill.
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Blochain integration for marketplace work, notification via fcm, deep URL. To most companies, our information equals money. Your personality is a revenue stream. Who you are and what you do, both online and offline, is data. That data is bought and sold every day and it happens at your expense. If you are your data, then why would you ever allow a company or app to own your data. That’s right—you wouldn’t, not if you had a choice. All of those accounts you’ve created. You go to them, freely, and repeatedly, and every time you do—you give more of yourself away. For free.
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Lotus rating report generate, email templates, login module update. The Impact Suite helps ethical charities build trust with donors, clearing the pathway to relationships that can improve the world and create greater impact. Charities and not-for-profit organisations are busy in our community fillingthe gaps governments and companies miss. In order for these organisations to continue to exist, they need to maintain funding and financial viability. They also need to show outcomes and measureable results (impact). Recently the Australian Charities & Not-for-profit Commission has been called in to check on some high profile charities, with Commissioner Gary Johns saying the ACNC’s role is to ensure charities are transparent and accountable. Transparency & accountability are key in order for a charity to earn a philanthropists or donor’s trust, and be financially viable.
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