Kolkata , India

Experience: 5 Years


Kolkata , India


56051.5 USD / Year

  • Notice Period: Days

5 Years

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About Me

Worked in various RDBMS database, Hadoop eco-system projects specializing in Oracle and HDFS, currently working on Secure Data Lake as one stop shop for any kind of data. Well trained in Hadoop eco-system including HDFS, Hive, Hue, Sqoop, Flume. Curr...

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Portfolio Projects


Working as a pyspark developer

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Worked as a Data Engineer

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Worked as a SQL developer

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During 2013, the Bank implemented a number of pilot projects to establish the value of taking a data-centric approach to business insight development and business process optimization. These projects, characterized by a combination of business Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and experts in data analytics and data analytical technologies, worked with disparate production data sets (i.e. data sets lacking a unified schema) to identify patterns and other actionable insights in a timelier manner than traditional Information Technology (IT) data mining approaches. Based on the success of these pilots, the bank decided to set up a EAP-SDL Data Platform to provide full lifecycle support to internal clients wishing to leverage data analytic techniques in their domains. EAP is a Big Data solution leveraging the Hadoop framework and related tools to achieve its core functionality of being able to acquire, store and process large amounts of data from disparate sources. EAP-SDL Data Platform intends to provide the following functions: Discover: provides a mechanism to search what data exists in the platform On-board: provides a means to acquire new data from external sources Process: provide means to define validation and transformation rules and process raw data Access: provide means to access data via a web and/or SQL like interface Manage: provides a means to define access permissions, monitor and run the bank activities

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