About Me
Proficient: Java, Python, Anaconda, Pandas, SciPy, NumPy, Machine Learning (Classification, K-Means, Clustering),HTML5, CSS3 ,SQL ,Oracle 11g ,MongoDB , Eclipse,IntelliJ ,MIPS Assembly, Mars SimulatorExposure: Applied Deep Learning,Tensorflow Hub,Neu...
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Portfolio Projects
Actively addressing and resolving coding conflicts,bugs,installation issues reported by users on github repo. Successfully upgraded the legacy code with tf r1.3 API to improve model computation performance by 70%. Fixed documentation, tutorial errors and Python script templates for improving readability and debugging. Added code snippets for Googlers to improve response time by 70% to address tf-core conflicts and bugs.
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Designed RESTful application is written in Flask framework with Python3 to fetch 4200 products and store in sqlite3. Built complex backend with Regex, beautifulsoup4 and request packages integrated with API routes and db. Crafted mobile responsive UI/UX utilizing JavaScript, HTML5 and materialize CSS to fetch records with custom SQL textbox and buttons to call API routes such as Top10, Out of Stock, Common items.
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Interactive API designed for Staples to parse CSV data with ReGeX and object relational mapping model to query faster. Developed API routes which report data with point precision and 70% faster than legacy system. Wrote unit test cases for parsing small, medium, and large data files with 100% accuracy.
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Actively addressing and resolving coding conflicts,bugs,installation issues reported by users on github repo.Successfully upgraded the legacy code with tf r1.3 API to improve model computation performance by 70%.Fixed documentation, tutorial errors and Python script templates for improving readability and debugging.Added code snippets for Googlers to improve response time by 70% to address tf-core conflicts and bugs.
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A repository of varying complex computer science data structures aggregated from HackerRank, Codeforces, and SPOJ. Achieved 96th percentile of > 5000 software engineers in HackerRank data structure challenges utilizing Java. Constructed Linked Lists, Stacks, Trees, and Graph-like data structures operations following Java OOD.
Show More Show LessThere are ~ 4200 accurate records were fetched and stored into product-data.db s
Crawler & Scraper
Adafruit.com web_crawling and scraping
Working application to crawl and scrap a websitehttp://www.adafruit.com/categorieswritten in the flask framework with sqlite3 as a database.
Front-end has been enhanced with materialize CSS and js library with a few other routes of Top Seller, Out Of Stock, Common items
with a custom SQL query box.
The backend logic @('/') default option invoked when download button is clicked. The python 3 code crawl 35 various categories
and scrap all links with beautifulsoup4 and requests packages.
The data of each product is feed into the following table schema defined in sqlite3.
| Category | ID | Name | Price | Quantity | Stock |
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