About Me
Overall 8 Years, 9 Months of experience in Software Development, Requirement Analysis, Unit Testing, Deployment, Migration and Integration Domain understanding of Banking and Financial Services, Private and Corporate banking, SME Business Application...
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Portfolio Projects
EBX is used for Master Data Management of Credit Suisse records which is developed by TIBCO and customised by CS. This holds metadata domain records in EBX. Chopin is tree view structure which displays relationships between dimensions. It has functionalities to add new dimension, edit and delete dimensions.
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SCC stands for Single Client Channel which will serve as single login portal for private and corporate users with different screens as per user type logged in. Project includes merging, migration, foundation and new UI development along with backend changes for all online banking modules. It is merging of three existing portals like PCE, DCP and Directnet and developed as per new UI guidelines. Using this portal legacy portals will be decommissioned and clients will be asked to use single channel. For Foundation project, we worked for developing initial setup of baselining, dashboard and setup for accounts and payments menu navigations. For Migration of Accounts module, worked as team member to migrate accounts module to new UI screens along with backend changes. SCC is new theme of UI and change requests in terms of business needs. For accounts, we worked to change UI as per prototype and backend business logic changes. Tech Debt project focuses on changes for UI angular version migration and removing OBP layer from backend. For UI changes, existing angular 1.x will be migrated to Angular 7. Existing OBP layer based on struts is replaced using core rest services using jersey. There are changes for pdf and export functionality as well. Worked as team member on initial proposals of pdf and export functionalities. Covered basic pocs required to go ahead with approvals from clients.
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Multi banking is the key requirement of most of big SME( Small & Medium Enterprises) in Switzerland. Because to check their different bank accounts, they need to login to all banks online sites. Credit Suisse has already built one application which adheres this need and gives solutions like liquidity optimisation in the form of multi banking, account transfer etc. Corporate Cash Manager is existing windows based application. This is serving 15-20 corporate clients. Digital Corporate Portal is new portal which will be provided to corporate customers where CCM will be one of module along with payments, accounts. Multi banking includes end clients to register their accounts in other global banks other than Credit Suisse. There is provision to register third party bank accounts and generate Account Reporting Form. Client need to send this form to respective bank requesting to send MT940 and 942 statements to Credit Suisse. CCM processes statements and store bookings details in database. We have exposed account services for balance and bookings list to show n Accounts module screen. Corporate client can access accounts balances, statements using DCP portal. They can also make intra multi bank account payment using Swift messages. This facility is provided by current solutions and in future DCP portal will provide this along with other standards like canopy etc. Multi banking is one of the important feature provided by DCP so that corporate clients can access other bank accounts easily using Credit Suisse. This project is based on Agile Methodology.
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This project is release of new payment system that is introduced in Europe called as ISO20022. This is supposed to be one of important release of Credit Suisse. Every bank in Europe is supposed to use this new payment system in future and Credit Suisse is implementing this standard in Switzerland. New backend web services are introduced by CS along with existing NZV CORBA services. NZV system is built by Credit Suisse itself to process all payment types. R2A release scope is based on DTA file upload, Payments Overview, Approval of payments , Modification/Deletion of DTA files etc. DTA files are group of payments that are chosen by client to pay as bulk payments. End users using DTA file upload are corporate clients. By using ISO standard, clients can see old files that are uploaded as well as new files that are processed using OPF. GPP will now onwards introduce new routing system to upload DTA files to OPF. New files uploaded will be shown along with files uploaded by NZV. At service side, CS is using ClearToPay product integrated which will now onwards used as payment system. ClearToPay is processing engine of payments that Credit Suisse is currently using to process DTA services. Directnet coordinates with GPP as service and GPP coordinates with OPF(ClearToPay) asynchronously. We faced few challenges like handling of remark codes, payment status implementations, exception handling, payments page modifications as common flow for NZV and GPP files etc. We also proposed some enhancements for release efraud detection, jquery integrations, itext library integrations as part of release. I have been to onsite at Zurich for this projects assignment for coordination of Feb, 2016 release.
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Directnet is online banking application for Retail and Corporate Customers. This project is based on Struts 1.x to Struts 2.3 migration of OBP Framework which is Credit Suisses internal front end framework. Alongside, EJB 2 to EJB 3 migration was one of the task. Migrated most of modules which were part of Core Framework like obp-web, dnet-web, obp-res, dnet-pub. Also migrated main modules of Application like Swift payments, Product Offering, Selfserve, User rights, Virtual Portfolio.
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MasterCard Business Network (MBN) is a website in the US for SMEs that currently offers resources for discounted purchasing, booking business travel and dining, and managing employee expense reports. For Canadian people, an alternative MBN platform is required. This includes 4 core SME Services including accounting/bookkeeping SaaS, data backup and a website builder (with ecommerce and without), and one other SME Service.
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MyBusinessWorks is the web portal provided by Barclays bank to their customers who can use application for subscribing various business applications and use them to improve business transactions. Application has made easy customers to choose packages, products and event booking applications in concession to their base packages. Application provides subscriptions like Finance, Live Planning, Legal Manager, Moonfruit, Mozy and many more. Subscriptions like domain selection, domain registration, template selection for website and mailbox setup has been integrated which helps to launch website of company. Thriveonline subscription has given chance to book business events provided free subscriptions to attendees. Payments section gives all invoice list with details of transactions which are managed by Zuora system. Mozy Pro setup provides secure backup of user data at external servers. Product has provisioning system to Barclays employees and Customer Support system from BCSG side and Salesforce is in place for storing customer information details. IRIS Selfserve This is web application which is used to book thriveonline events online. Events are interactive workshops designed to help online presence
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Electronic Arts is the leading industry in development of games on various platforms. Project includes various applications like Global Petitioning System, NAM etc. Vendorbridge APIs gives various APIS through SOAP and REst protocols to SFDC application. Vendorbridge APIs connects to UCN third party API which involves process to SOAP request generation, and parsing response XML.
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This is web application which aims to build social networking site integration like yammer, chatter, twitter, linked in. Project includes calling up Social Networking sites APIs to get authorisation using OAuth. Access token is further used to post messages to social sites from spigit application.
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Project is based on RFID based windows handheld device development and web application. PDA devices are used to track employee vehicles at entry and exit gates along with visitor vehicles. Data collected at entry and exits is stored in database and used by desktop application for detailed report generation. This system has simplified registration process, time consumption for identification at gates of building and reports on day to day basis. RFID tags used to map user and their records in the system.
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Project is based on web application which helps to track assets details like purchase info, insurance info, warranty info and overall details with detailed report and lifecycle management of asset. There are lot of assets on the floor which needs registered with their detailed information. The assets are categorised as chair, desktops, software assets like licenced versions installed on machines and other documents. Physical assets are tracked using windows based handheld devices and RFID tags and barcodes . Web application shows various links for registration, reports, barcode generation.
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