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Toworkinacompetitiveenvironmentthateffectivelyutilizesmyskillstoconceivethesolutions. Whichhelp the organization in not only meeting its targets, butalsoallowing ittogrow,thereby, enhancingmyownskillsasanindividualandasakeyplayerintheorganizationsdev...
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Portfolio Projects
Brief Description : This project is designed for sensing alcohol level of the driver by MQ3 Alcohol sensor and control the accidents. When driver gets inside the car then alcohol sensor will detect the alcohol consumed level if driver has consumed more than the value(40% as a value) then engine will not get started and driver can not drive, if driver has consumed less than the value then driver can drive the car, if any accident occur then engine will get stop automatically and message send to the other vehicle, near police station, near hospital which is in the range having this V2V communication system that accident has occurred.
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