About Me
A techno-functional manager over 18 years experience in Product Development (Finnone Suite) and Services Industry primarily with Open Source Technologies.
Hands-on (Coding) in Java, Python, Scala, Microsoft/MEAN Stack for Cloud/In-Premises Env...
Software Engineering
Web Development
Development Tools
Data & Analytics
Software Testing
Programming Language
Operating System
Mobile Apps
Portfolio Projects
My Home Plan (Finnone CAS)
Software Architect
- Designed and Developed Drools based Rule Engine Framework Layer. This layer supports pre-configured/pre-seeded rules, OGNL Based Rule Expression, MVEL Evaluation, and Rule Encryption & Rule Simulation. Application Credit Policies and Scoring Logic uses this Rule Engine.
- Designed and Developed Application Caching Layer to support Session, Master/Transaction Caches, Fallback Support and Cache Reaper by extending Infinispan/Redis in Clustered Environment through Jgroups.
- Responsible for different Code Quality Tools - Sonar, Junit, Jenkins, Maven, SOAP UI, Postman, GIT/SVN Implementation in Development,Build,Test,Release and Support Life-Cycle.
- Worked extensively in following Application Blocks of Finnone Product Suite in Different Capacity:
- Credit Policy
- Scoring
- Rule Engines
- Diff Product Workflows
- Financial Accounting
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Finnone LMS
Software Architect
- Enhanced Auto Knock off Module for VAT Installments. Modified eligible advice logic to include VAT Installments, Recalculated Allocation Amount based on Payable/Receivable Advices for VAT Installment and adjusted Repayment VAT component accordingly. Modified Accounting Entries and Loan Detail Report logic accordingly. Worked on front-end and integrated enhanced auto knock off process.
- Enhanced Daily Accruals Process and implemented Consolidation Voucher Posting Logic. Integrated accounting at each stage accordingly. Re-factored Accruals Process and made it error-safe/exception-safe.
- Improved Billing and EOD Process performance by parallelizing Billing and Other Processes with Oracle Job feature. Enhanced Billing Process to handle missing Accounting Templates for any scheme and to continue in such case. Integrated accrual Process with Billing Process to take care of broken period accrual.
- Worked extensively in following Application Blocks of Finnone Product Suite in Different Capacity:
- Diff Product Workflows
- Repayment
- Financial Accounting
- Settlements Module
- Backend Processes Accruals, Amortization,LPP)
- Online/Offline Handoffs
- Development involved Hybrid Encryption and Multifactor Authentication (OTP) based Interfacing with UIDAI/NSDL. BouncyCastleProvider is used for all encryptions and hashing. Hardware security module (HSM) is used for digitally signing.
- Designed and developed Socket based Integration Layer for real-time 2-way communication. Implemented CIBIL Score System on top of it. Developed Logic to send customer information in Pre-defined CIBIL format to CIBIL Server. Response is parsed segment wise business logic applied and finally shown to user in CIBIL Report Format.
- Designed and developed FTP based Integration Layer for real-time 2-way communication. Implemented Experian National Hunter (http://www.experian.in/hunter) application fraud detection services on top of this Integration Layer as a consumable service. Integrated this Service with main application work flow thus by ensured fraudulent applications are not further processed based on Hunter Server Response.
Implemented FairIsaac (FICO) (https://www.fico.com) business rule engine (BRE) Scoring System on above Socket Layer. Response and Score returned by BRE System is validated, parsed, persisted and used for Credit Decision and Underwriting in application
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Enterprise Content Management System
- Designed and Developed .NET Based ECM Application (NHibernate, Atalasoft Imaging SDK, C#, Oracle 12c). The Application has 3 main modules – Desktop WPF based Scan UI, Window Service and Web-Based Document Management System.
- Designed and developed Backend Process (Windows Service) for Barcode Generation/Reading capabilities for Different Images by using Atalasoft Imaging SDK. It is Multi-Threaded Service which supports multiple Scan Stations. Application Form Images are grouped by using pre-defined Barcode based Separators and entire batch is processed applicant wise.
- Developed Twain Scanner based Desktop Application for Document Scanning and Manipulation. Application provides Different Image Processing Operations such as - Deskew, Image Masking/Annotations, Image Cropping/Clipping.
- Implemented Web Based Document Management Module with features such as Document Search/Viewer, Document Tagging/Verification, Document Rescan/Rejection, Document Custodian/Box Tracking etc.
.NET CoreTools
EbixASP (www.ebixASP.com)
Project Manager (Team Lead)
- Responsibility includes EbixASP integration with Microsoft CRM. Tasks involved development of CRM Plug-ins, Packages, Solutions, Web-Resources, and Workflows etc. by using CRM SDK/XRM Framework.
- Worked extensively in following Application Blocks of ebixASP Product Suite in Different Capacity:
- Diff Policy Workflows
- Pricing Engine
- Rating Engine
- Quote Generation Engine
- Online/Offline Handoffs
.NET CoreTools
Project Manager (Team Lead)
- Lead Core framework Team (ReactJS, Mobx, semantic-ui-react, lodash) and developed different functional components, class components, hooks, controls, Context Store for different modules such as Audiences, Campaigns, Challenges and Rewards.
- As a part of backend team implemented Real Age, Internal Revenue, Eligibility Criteria Business logic by developing different controllers, services, contexts objects using JavaScript ES6 (Promises, Async Events,OAuth2 Token,Cloudinary)
- Setup cloud-based AWS deployment pipeline by using Jenkins and Docker. Delivery pipeline was implemented by using Jenkinsfile and involved stages Build, SonarQube quality gate and Apply.
visual codeCompany
Finnone Lending Analytics
Software Architect
Worked extensively in following Application Blocks of Finnone Analytics Product Suite in Different Capacity:
- Text Analytics
- Neural Network Algorithms
- Expert Score Card
- Logistic Regression
- Decision Tree
- Random Forest
- Model Creation/Evaluation/Comparison
- Interfacing with Finnone Collections and Finnone CAS
Java (All Versions)Tools