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Worldwide harmonized light vehicles test procedure - WLTP is a global harmonized standard for determining the levels of pollutants and CO2 emissions, fuel or energy consumption, and electric range from light-duty vehicles (passenger cars and light co...
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Portfolio Projects
It is an integrated site on the web where clients have access to a variety of intellectual properties, reports, and transaction data provided by BNY Mellon Asset Servicing.
Clients, their investment managers and consultants can select from a library of available reports to run on demand or schedule to run at a later time. Our reporting engines and on-line inquiry tools offer a set of parameters that allow our clients to quickly customize each report and inquiry. We also offer a comprehensive report writer that allows our clients to create their own custom extracts in a series of industry standard file formats. Handled below modules,
Report Writer – Report Writer is rewritten in spring boot framework to adopt the new cloud platform (BXP3) and integrated with the ERS.
Web CR Reports for ERS – Enabling crystal reports (Web CR) and it’s UI for ERS application.
CANR Parameter Page – Enhancing the Actuate reports to have Event Type and Asset Type filters
for both English and German language users.
All Portfolio accounts for RW reports – Enhancing the Report Writer reports to have “All portfolio accounts” option to ease the report execution for the clients.