About Me
10+ year of experience in Microsoft Technologies like .Net Core, Asp.net , Asp.Net MVC , jQuery andJavaScript Frameworks(Knockout). Created POCs using Angular and React UI Frameworks.Full Stack developer having experience of creating application from...
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Portfolio Projects
Standardization and enforcement of the business procedures, as well as security and reliability are the keysuccess factors within the daily operations of the cash management department. On the in and out bound processes,central banks, commercial banks and CIT companies are using new technological platforms to create more widely spreadstandards, improving overall ef ciency and reliability. To cope with this trend, cash management departments areinvesting in larger, more automated and better secured cash centers. These centers are dealing with cash storage,processing and distribution, guaranteeing quality and security in a cost effective way
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For the implementation of these training projects, CEFORA is collaborating with a network of specialisedpartners: from educational institutions and professional trainers with broad business experience to organisations that offerservices in the area of project administration and project coordination. This networking therefore makes it possible forCEFORA to provide services that combine quality, flexibility, reaction speed, and professional know-how.
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The E-Reporting application is a vital and feasible standalone cash management application for multiple groupsof customers such as Asset Management, Payments BE and mainly for own account management.E -Reporting offers them various functionalities, lacking in front end applications (W1Se, O4B …) and Isabel, in order toreconcile their account information and/or to manage their cash.Visualization, processing and printing of transaction details via Import of Coda and Swift MT messages MT94x (alsofrom non-resident accounts).
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The Bank Branch Distribution (PDB) business wants OKA to build a new .Net application to help themmonitor and optimize the branch network structure and capacity at regular intervals.This application will allow PDB to make simulations of branch network structure and capacity changes, compare it withthe actuals and report proposed changes to their management.
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This application serves as a system to manage dossiers, property scans and succession scans for Private Bankingclients. Dossiers & Property Scans can be created for example by Relation Managers of a Private Banking Branch. PrivateBanking Segment Employees will have the ability to review these Property Scans and approve / decline on completion.He can also request an extra review by someone of the Fiscal Department for special cases.Once approved, a batch application will generate a Succession Scan Report based on the information filled in. The reportwill contain the property of the client and calculations and text blocks about the succession rights he needs to pay.
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The existing communication division is using 2 systems for archiving: an MS Access application to recordpress contacts and a Lotus Notes application – end of support – that records press articles that are of interest to client.Searching in the press contacts is cumbersome as it is done using MS Access queries directly(no user interface)The lack of search functionalities in the press contacts also implicates that it is impossible to obtain somestatistics like e.g. number of contacts per contact type in a certain periodAdding articles to the existing Lotus Notes application is currently a very technical, user-unfriendly anderror-prone processRelation between the press contact and press article(s) cannot be registeredsince these are registered in different systems .All information kept in the existing Lotus Notes and MS Accessapplication needs to be available in the new system..
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With the introduction of the new set of models workstation has been defined to suit the needs of different end-users. These are combined with a generic hardware configuration (e.g. laptop with separate mouse) and a base softwarebundle by local delivery organizations, resulting in a collection of supported workstation types.These are used in turn to create operational workstation types that are assigned a functional role representing theirintended use (e.g. for training or fallback purposes) and combined with one or more additional software bundles.Like software packages, sets of selected operational workstation types will be grouped into a workstation (type) catalogue.Each such catalogue is intended for a specific (KBC) customer although in some cases a catalogue may be shared by 2 ormore customers.Workstation catalogues are exported for use in the Self-Service Portal, which will offer a user making a request for a newworkstation a selection from a specific catalogue, based on the center (s)he works for (derived from his or her user id).The WorkStation Model Management module is intended to support the functionality described above, i.e. to manageworkstation models & types, hardware types & generic hardware components, as well as catalogues.
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Web app which let the user to configure the multiple windows service config and trigger ETL job to extract data from HDFS and generate D3 Visualization in web and Scorecard PPT. These scorecard have graphical representation of the banks with their peers in their region.
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Old Thick client FPS application is used for setting up dynamic fuel prices based on competitor prices. We have started the journey of migrating this application to cloud with web interface.
- Plan, develop and implement large-scale projects from conception to completion.
- Develop microservices and view.
- Create infrastructure in Azure Cloud (for IaaS & PaaS) and ensuring high availability and scalability.
- Ensuring TDD/BDD followed during software development.
- Following SCURM (Agile) Event properly.
- Mentoring Juniors and helping in their task.
- Worked on OAuth integration, Login Component, Configuring Routing, implemented Auth Guard in Angular 2+ Application.
- Implemented UI level testing using JasmineJS, KarmaJS and PhatomJs and Unit testing at Services level using MSTest.
- Configured unit test in CI.
- Configured CD for Microservices in Service Fabric.
This application is used to manage and create machine configuration file for telematics machine inside heavy duty machinery.
- Plan, develop and implement large-scale projects from conception to completion.
- Develop service and view.
- Configured CI & CD infrastructure and Installer for standalone app.
- Implemented UI level testing using JasmineJS , KarmaJS and Phatomjs and Unit testing at Services level using MSTest.
- Created Installer using InstallShield.
- Used Azure Blob Storage for storing App data.
- Ensuring TDD/BDD followed during software development.
- Following SCURM (Agile) Event properly.
This application is used to manage the notes and legal events and Financials & Payment activities that take place in the course of claiming an Workers Compensation insurance are registered and maintained here.
Responsibilities: Developing UI, Creating Services, Writing queries in LINQ and Following BDD using Jasmine
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Standardization and enforcement of the business procedures, as well as security and reliability are the key success factors within the daily operations of the cash management department. On the in and out bound processes, central banks, commercial banks and CIT companies are using new technological platforms to create more widely spread standards, improving overall efficiency and reliability. To cope with this trend, cash management departments are investing in larger, more automated and better secured cash centers. These centers are dealing with cash storage, processing and distribution, guaranteeing quality and security in a cost effective way
Responsibilities: Creating UI in WinForms, Developing Web Services, Create Store procedure and Follow TDD.
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