Anshul K.

Anshul K.

Software Engineer

Bangalore , India

Experience: 1 Year


Bangalore , India

Software Engineer

13345.6 USD / Year

  • Immediate: Available

1 Year

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About Me

A passionate, dedicated worker who thrives o of balancing several projects at the same time. An enthusiast learner who wants to gain knowledge through experience in order to acquire expertise in my areas of interest....

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Portfolio Projects


Role - Data cleaning.Based on Pandas, Numpy, HTML, CSS, OracleDistinguishing major trends in news by collecting newsheadlines online and analyzing them after a thorough cleaningto nd the most used keywords and then presenting them in abar graph for a visual representation.

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It is a REST API which takes input of single/multiple plane id along with passenger assumption for those planes to calculate details such as fuel consumption per minute, maximum time plane can fly and give these details out with their respective inputs. We can also use the API to get details of all the db data or get details of a single airplane or to update or delete details of an airplane.

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Data related to a GSE Id is requested from GEO website and then certain aspects of it like title, summary, organisms, etc. are scrapped from the request and later saved to the database. After storing the data, the summary of GSE Id is annotated using Becas API to find keywords of biomedical concepts, which along with their unique identifiers are later saved in the database against their respective GSE Id.

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A simple web-based application to manage your inventory with all the basic CRUD operations.

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New York City has a significant immigrant population and is very diverse, so comparing demographic factors such as race, income, and gender with SAT scores is a good way to determine whether the SAT is a fair test.

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Based on Python, Beautiful Soup, PostgresSql, Becas API.Data related to a GSE Id is requested from GEO website andthen certain aspects of it like title, summary, organisms, etc. arescrapped from the request and later saved to the database.After storing the data, the summary of GSE Id is annotatedusing Becas API to nd keywords of biomedical concepts, whichalong with their unique identi ers are later saved in thedatabase against their respective GSE Id.

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