About Me
I want to build a long-term career to use my skills in the best possible way for achieving the companys goals and enhance my professional skills to keep up with the cutting edge of technologies and to obtain a position of responsibilities that utiliz...
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Portfolio Projects
The entire project is divided into 3 modules:1) Socket Programming: The data entered by the users are stored in file and the files are sent toserver where server reads the data and performs various operation as per the requirements.2) AES Encryption: The AES algorithm consists of ten rounds of encryption. First the 128-bit key isexpanded into eleven so-called round keys, each of them 128 bits in size. Each round includes atransformation using the corresponding cipher key to ensure the security of the encryption.3) File Handling: File system here is to store the data that we take from the user. Here, all the datafrom the user is stored in a text file then after going through some processes these files are send toserver via socket and then, at server this file goes through a number of processes to retrieve the data.
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1. Design a system to detect traffic congestion.2. Use the system to find alternatives and reduce traffic load.3. Prevent or reduce accidents.Taking the input from Arduino set up in the form of 0 and 1, we will take the signals and then take theinput and store it through SQL in a database.
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APF is Authorized program facility, it allows the installation to identity system or user programs that usefunctions to maintain security and integrity, program is to maintain and update APF list throughmainframe (PROGx) member to take input to add and delete the dataset names.
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