About Me
Im a Software Development Engineer having a versatile work experience of around 8 years of building enterprise applications with expertise in the backend, DevOps, scripting, and server-side technologies. Im proficient in programming languages Java an...
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Portfolio Projects
PerkinElmer offers two electronic laboratory notebooks to meet the needs of scientists and researchers in a wide range of industries. Both help you organize and share experimental data efficiently and communicate seamlessly with the common instruments and devices you use. No more having to sort through colleagues’ paper notebooks, Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, or rationalize data in various formats. Signals Notebook, PerkinElmer’s intuitive cloud-native ELN, and E-Notebook, the on premise, highly customizable lab notebook, are the data managers that allow customer’s workflow to take off, run smoothly, and stay organized.
In E-Notebook Data Externalization Project, we take care of the data flow from the Native E-Notebook database to cloud based Signals Notebook. The data flow is controlled by Apache NiFi. It calls the REST service on the E-Notebook to archive data into the Mongo DB of Signals Notebook.
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Virtual Cockpit is a product jointly developing by Calpine Group and RSI GmBH.
The world of automotive is changing day by day. Introduction of various new technologies (like AI) also influenced in the automotive domain. This system is a replacement of conventional car dashboard. It is a twofold application, comprises with standalone JavaFX application and an HTML application. All systems in the car dash board are completely digitalized and distributed. User can access their dashboard from outside of the vehicle and it can be customizable according with their wish.
Main modules of this project are Instrument cluster unit, In-vehicle infotainment unit (IVI) and the co-pilot UI. User can change the view of instrument cluster unit, they can select different UI views from a pool of designs. Can change the color, position etc. with their wish. Co-driver can also change their view/UI. IVI responsible for the various infotainment components like music, video streaming, caller etc.
AI monitor various driving parameters like car speed, battery/fuel level etc. Right now, it continuously monitors the fluctuation in speed and alerts the driver in case of rash driving.
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This is a web enabled software for automating the activities of Directorate of Mining and Geology department like Concession system for Major and Minor minerals, Movement permit and Mineral concession accounting system. KOMPAS co-ordinates processing of different kinds of applications, granting of concessions etc. It handles all payment activities through payment gateway (e-Payment, Kerala Government). Various Modules of this application are Online submission of application, Verification of application, Document uploading and verification, Field Inspection Report, granting of concession, granting of permit, Electronic pass generation movement permit, quarrying lease, Integration of mineral carrying vehicle, Digital signature, Messaging services.
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