About Me
Blockchain Developer in core Research Group,With Experience of working in different PoCs and MVPs ,BuildingProducts from start to finish for various clients....
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Portfolio Projects
This project was built for product's tracking and tracking purpose to verify that the project is genuine and non tempored.
Following were my responsibilities:-
1. Build ethereum network
2. Write and test smart contract
3. Write and test REST APIs for interacting with the blockchain network.
4. Development of UI screens
5. Overall integration of the project
6. Build blockchain explorer
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The objective of this project was to perform interoperability between two blockchain networks(Quorum and hyperledger fabric).In this project, we took two different blockchain projects to accomplish the objective.The retailer of supply chain(Quorum) project is acting as a seller in trade finance(Hyperledger) project. We accomplished the communication between retailer and seller of different platforms.So, parties involved in fabric network can verify the authenticity and track the product in quorum network and vice-versa.
My contributions:
- Setting up quorum and hyperledger fabric network.
- Writing smart contracts for creating product, updating shipment, updating last access point by logistics and updating last access point by retailer,validating the product’s authenticity.
- Writing chaincode for creation of purchase order, updation of purchase order,creation of agreement, updation of agreement, creation of shipment, updation of shipment, creation of payment, updation of payment by various actors involved in the network.
- Testing all the chaincodes and smart contracts.
- Writing the nodejs application and working with front end team for the integration.
The objective was to provide fully built blockchain network to its clients according to their requirements.So that, later, they can work on their application. A client can choose among different blockchain networks(hyperledger fabric, quorum and ethereum) and different clouds(AWS cloud, google cloud, microsoft azure).They can also choose number of nodes/peers/miners for their respective network.This entire project was built on docker for making it light and portable.
My contributions:
- Creation of various automated scripts for connection to different cloud platforms, perform different VM operations like create a VM, stop a VM, delete a vm and restart a VM.
- Setting up different blockchain network by creating automated scripts for quorum, hyperledger fabric and ethereum network according to client’s requirement.
- Setting up different blockchain explorers for created blockchain network.
- Creating docker images for respective blockchain networks and cloud platforms.
- Writing nodejs application and the front end application as well.
- Perform unit testing and system testing.
Objective was to let Tri party agent allocate single collateral or a batch of collaterals with the live currency exchange in the chaincode itself such that there is no violation of regulatory rules , pledger and pledgee get the real view of the collateral that has been allocated with complete detailed report of the process.
My contributions:
- Setting up Hyperledger fabric network.
- Write chaincode for creation of account and securities, creation of deals and transactions, creation of allocation and update longbox accounts.
C. Creation of nodejs application and working with front end team defining various APIs
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The objective achieved was to process purchase order requests by buyers from agreements to shipment and then payment using blockchain.
My contributions:
- Setting up hyperledger fabric network
- Write chaincode for Creation of purchase orders, agreements, shipments and payments.
- Creation of nodejs application and working with front end team defining various Apis.
The objective achieved was onboarding various merchants and customer to manage their loyalty points by either buying or transferring the loyalty points from someone on the network.
My contributions:
- Setting up Hyperledger fabric network
- Write chaincode for onboarding merchants, customers,managing loyalty points between merchants and customers.
- Creation of Nodejs application and working with front end team defining various Apis
The objective was to track and trace the products from factory to retailers for its authenticity and verification.In this project, actors involved in the process can view who and what updated in the product recently from the beginning.Authentication of product is happening at each level in trade finance.
My contributions:
- Setting up Ethereum network
- Writing smart contracts for creating product, updating shipment, updating last access point by logistics and updating last access point by retailer,validating the product’s authenticity.
- Testing smart contracts for entire functionality
- Creation of Nodejs application and working with front end team defining various Apis
The objective accomplished was customer creates the demand request which gets counter offers and then gets accepted by another actor, after confirmation only these demand requests gets processed through supplier and transporters.
My contributions:
- Writing chaincodes for creation and updation of demand requests, products, invoice and shipments.
B. Creating Nodejs application and work with front end team defining various APIs.
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To track and trace the aircraft originality certificate. Different tiers creates forms with FAA certificates which gets shipped to their next level tier and then next level tier attaches its own FAA certificate, like that all the actors does that and when it reaches at the last tier those certificate status changes to consumed which makes sure that these forms can never be reused once they are consumed.
My contributions:
- Setting up Hyperledger fabric network
- Write chaincode for creation of forms at different levels like Tier 3, Tier 2, Tier 1 and OEM, and creation of their shipments.
- Setting up IPFS for secure storage of airworthiness certificates.
- Creation of Nodejs application and working with front end team defining various Apis
To check the performance of the network on transacting with 5 billion data in blockchain in bulk.
My contributions:
- Setting up Quorum network
- Write smart contract to manage transactions and test as well
- Write nodejs application for benchmarking its performance for 5 billion data
To maintain permissions among the contributors of the idea. Idea can be read and updated by the contributors whom owner has given permission to and others can only read.
My contributions:
- Setting up Ethereum network
- Write smart contract for managing ideas and their permissions.
- Write nodejs application and front-end application
- Use Truffle to test smart contracts
The objective was to manage service requests between customers and service agents.In this project, advance payment, balance payment, penalties, payment reconciliation and processing is automated without any 3rd party intervention upon delivery of service acceptance by the customer through chaincodes based and triggers only.
My contributions:
- Setting up Hyperledger fabric network
- Write chaincode for creation of service agreements, creation of accounts and payments.
- Write nodejs application and work with front end team defining various APIs.
The objective of this project was provenance and track-and-trace of raw products using blockchain.It records the entire process from raw material to an end product so that customer can also ascertain that the product is genuine and is not counterfeit.
My contributions:
- Write benchmarking test scripts in java to test in JMeter
- Write smart contracts for creation and updation of raw materials, products, pallets and shipment.
- Setting up Ethereum network.
The commodity-trading industry operates by addressing its struggles with inefficiencies and issues of trust and with the complexity of transactions,which typically involve multiple counterparties. In our platform we enable the traders to create trades and perform negotiations on trades,Once the trade is confirmed the shipment is initiated which involves multiple parties for inspecting the product in each stage and verifying it.
My contributions:
- Setting up hyperledger fabric network
- Writing chaincode for creation of trade and negotiation, creation of shipment and updation by various actors in the network.
- Writing nodeJs application and working with the front-end team defining various APIs.
The objective of this project was to perform interoperabilitybetween two blockchain networks(Quorum and hyperledgerfabric).In this project, we took two different blockchain projectsto accomplish the objective.The retailer of supply chain(Quorum)project is acting as a seller in trade finance(Hyperledger) project.We accomplished the communication between retailer and sellerof different platforms.So, parties involved in fabric network canverify the authenticity and track the product in quorum networkand vice-versa.My contributions:A. Setting up quorum and hyperledger fabric network.B. Writing smart contracts for creating product, updatingshipment, updating last access point by logistics andupdating last access point by retailer,validating theproducts authenticity.C. Writing chaincode for creation of purchase order,updation of purchase order,creation of agreement,updation of agreement, creation of shipment, updation ofshipment, creation of payment, updation of payment byvarious actors involved in the network.D. Testing all the chaincodes and smart contracts.E. Writing the nodejs application and working with front endteam for the integration.
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The objective was to provide fully built blockchain network to itsclients according to their requirements.So that, later, they canwork on their application. A client can choose among differentblockchain networks(hyperledger fabric, quorum and ethereum)and different clouds(AWS cloud, google cloud, microsoftazure).They can also choose number of nodes/peers/miners fortheir respective network.This entire project was built on dockerfor making it light and portable.My contributions:A. Creation of various automated scripts for connection todifferent cloud platforms, perform different VMoperations like create a VM, stop a VM, delete a vm andrestart a VM.B. Setting up different blockchain network by creatingautomated scripts for quorum, hyperledger fabric andethereum network according to clients requirement.C. Setting up different blockchain explorers for createdblockchain network.D. Creating docker images for respective blockchainnetworks and cloud platforms.E. Writing nodejs application and the front end applicationas well.F. Perform unit testing and system testing.
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Objective was to let Tri party agent allocate single collateral or abatch of collaterals with the live currency exchange in thechaincode itself such that there is no violation of regulatory rules, pledger and pledgee get the real view of the collateral that hasbeen allocated with complete detailed report of the process.
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The objective was to track and trace the products from factory toretailers for its authenticity and verification.In this project, actorsinvolved in the process can view who and what updated in theproduct recently from the beginning.Authentication of product ishappening at each level in trade finance.
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To track and trace the aircraft originality certificate. Differenttiers creates forms with FAA certificates which gets shipped totheir next level tier and then next level tier attaches its own FAAcertificate, like that all the actors does that and when it reachesat the last tier those certificate status changes to consumedwhich makes sure that these forms can never be reused oncethey are consumed.
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The objective was to manage service requests betweencustomers and service agents.In this project, advance payment,balance payment, penalties, payment reconciliation andprocessing is automated without any 3rd party intervention upondelivery of service acceptance by the customer throughchaincodes based and triggers only.
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The commodity-trading industry operates by addressing itsstruggles with inefficiencies and issues of trust and with thecomplexity of transactions,which typically involve multiplecounterparties. In our platform we enable the traders to createtrades and perform negotiations on trades,Once the trade isconfirmed the shipment is initiated which involves multipleparties for inspecting the product in each stage and verifying it.
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