About Me
Have 10 years of experience in Software Testing - Functional, Black Box Testing, Database Testing, Flexcube testing , OFSAA and currently into role of Senior Quality Analyst. On every release install , upgrade , deploy the product test environment an...
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Portfolio Projects
FSDF is ready-to-deploy, dimensional warehouse with a unified model for Enterprise Risk, Finance and Marketing Analytics and its the base of the product OFSAA .Worked in implementation and upgradation of the product and testing the product at the database level for new changes . Currently working for OFSAA FSDF and have singled handedly tested the product from QA perspective in latest releases which had GDPR(data redaction, right to forget and notice&Consent , TDE in 8.0.6 and also working on deploying it in hive environment. Have worked with products hive implementation and testing the complete package and received appreciation for the same from higher management. Deployed in OFSAA-Next gen ,installation and setup of environment and test the REST-API - microservices . Developed test comparison utility to compare test results in Hive and RDBMS. Installed and have setup cloudera 5.3 and 6.1 with single node and set of services required for product execution . Only resource to Analyse and set up Oracle big data sql 3.1 in Hadoop cluster and Oracle resolving loads of issues single handedly which was really challenging and this plunged me with knowledge on Linux server , Oracle DB server and Hadoop cluster as well.
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The Product FCR used by ADCB is upgraded to the latest version of FLEXCUBE 1203 .The activity has been segregated in terms for CBG , WBG and ITMAM.We work upon understanding the requirement from the client , prepare test cases based on the product (CASA and TD products and also FS ) and execution of test cases .Raise defects and track them to closure .Have hands on CASA,TD,RT etc and also have written standard SQL queries to aid testing .Got an opportunity to work on FCDB ( Letter of credit and bank guarantee) and do processing for the same in FCUBS . Handled critical enhancements and core functionalities individually and mentor the team in technical and functional perspective .
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IDMS interactive database management is basically a backend accounting system. Other systems interface with IDMS and information is sent from and to other systems interfacing with IDMS. These are then processed in IDMS and the General Ledger is updated. IDMS caters primarily to the Asia-Pacific region, which includes 32 branches EFT, Giro Payments and several other functionalities are provided by IDMS.EOD performed mainly at the end of every business day in which Accounting entries posted by various modules, balance sheet, audit trails, confirmation and advices for customers, and many more.
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Fund transfer –Payment and collection As the trend towards automated processing increases, and as the demands of the financial business become more complex, Oracle FLEXCUBE, a sophisticated package, breaks down these complexities by its quick, easy-to-use features, which are essential to successful financial management. The Funds Transfer (FT) Module that constitutes a part of Oracle FLEXCUBE is a front office system that handles the processing of the transfer of funds (local and foreign) between Financial Institutions. Financial institutions or banks can initiate these transfers for themselves, or on behalf of their customers. The Payments and Collections (PC) Module of Oracle FLEXCUBE helps you process local currency funds transfer transactions initiated either by your customer through an Electronic Banking System, or by your staff in any of your branches on behalf of a customer OFSAA INTERFACE: Interface between FCUBS and OFSAA to facilitate data hand off from FLEXCUBE UBS to OFSAA was built in and integration testing is being done on the same.
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BMW (BMW10, BMW 12 and BMW13): State Street maintains a Hybrid VaR model for the Securities Finance business to support calculation of the exposure to counterparty credit risk MDDP2R1: MDD Project was initiated to address the Data needs of the Risk Managers for various computations. Prior to MDD initiative, Market Data was sourced though various means by these teams, sometime manually, sometimes in an automated fashion and sometimes a combination of both. Hybrid VaR Back Testing: The existing Back testing project however supports only the FX Business. In order to support other Securities Business as well an initiative is undertaken i.e. Hybrid VaR Back testing
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The CustD application includes the Statement Generation module which generates electronic statements to Corporate Customers of Barclays. These electronic statements are sent to the Customer through the SWIFT network. SWIFT responds to the electronic statements with delivery notifications ACK / NAK message. CustD Application will have online screens – the Statement maintenance module which will allow the user to view the statistics of the statements sent to SWIFT and statistics of responses received from SWIFT, statistics of the statements in Error, ACK Statements and authorize/reject and repair NAK/Not Acknowledged/Rejected Resends/Error statements & authorize/reject repair changes.
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Customer Due Diligence (CDD) is an on-line system that aims to facilitate and streamline the due diligence processes followed by the IPB business of Citigroup when accepting (or during the life of) a business relationship with their customers. It also ensures compliance with Know Your Customer (KYC) practices and other regulatory requirements identified to protect IPB from being used for money-laundering or terrorist financing. This automated tool assists in compliance with corporate due diligence by replacing the existing Customer Acquisition Due Diligence paper forms with on-line data gathering and incorporating a configurable workflow management system.
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National Australia Banks (NAB) project to create a new portal and channels platform for the bank. Worked in the development of Foreign Exchange calculator of Portal and channels. The modules include features of ADF security, Skinning, Oracle Composer, Inter Portlet Communication, Adf Logger, UCM integration etc.
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