About Me
Seeking a position that can benefit from my 9.5 years of ABAP and SAP PI/PO full life cycle developments experience and problem-solving abilities....
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Portfolio Projects
• End to end development of multiple interfaces with external partners – Idoc to AS2 and SFTP.
• Support and resolve PO issues related to all 3PL interfaces and PO upgrades.
• Built inSITE templates to integrate 3PL WHMS.
• Created flow diagrams for critical interfaces to ease support and upgrade activities.
• Worked closely with Akorn implementing partner to bring the PO developers up to speed.
• Designed technical specification and peer-reviewed DS for my team members.
• Designed EDI IDoc configurations for all the 3PL interfaces and used XSLT GS1 mapping.
• Created custom function module for Inbound IDoc process code to split IDocs into two different IDocs.
• Providing technical support on SAP EWM module.
• Developed interfaces using ALE/IDOC to connect and transfer logistics data from EWM system to SAP R/3 system using SAP PO as middleware.
• Worked on User Exit which comes into picture during CIF process for Material/Locations from R/3 to APO.
• Worked on BAdI implementation for Order replenishment.
- Developed PI Interfaces to integrate 3PL Logistics providers such as DBSchenker, KEPPEL, TechServ to setup WHMS as per Fresenius business perspective.
- Created end to end interface from external service provider to SAP ECC HCM via SAP PO to populate xml file coming from external service provider. The created interface in PI to convert XML file into Idoc using XSLT mapping.
- Developed program to create automatic inbound delivery with reference from outbound delivery.
- Actively involvement in configuring PI system for client evaluation and prototyping.
- Developed PI interfaces to integrate 3PL Logistics vendors such as LANFAST, DBNet, Kuehne-Nagle with Fresenius WHMS system which also involves P2P and P2O processes.
- PI implementation responsibilities included validating all (100+) communications channels, reviewing end to end interfaces, working with 34 POC’s to collect Mock and Production server details to configure in PI system, development, testing, and monitoring.
- Configured Logistics related IDocs and partners profile determination.
- Maintained distribution models.
- Used BADI de-modification to maintain the design methodology.
- Customized interfaces for master data such as Customers, Materials. Set up sales organization as filter value to generate IDocs.
- Designed Technical Specifications and Design specifications for the given design templates.
- Handling defects raised during OQ phase and resolve issues.
- Daily job-monitoring and resolving issues related to PI.
- Production support and E2E Executive Dashboard implementation project.
- Developed a PI interface between Brazilian Tax dept. SEFAZ and SAP ECC system to generate Electronic Nota Fiscal document. The interface is designed using IDOC adapters in PI.
- Developed an ABAP program in SAP ECC for updating Nota Fiscal data in SAP. The program will fetch a file from SAP active directory and then process the Nota Fiscal document creation in SAP.
- Designed a PI interface between external system GKO and SAP ECC to automate P2P and P2O processes.
- Involved with customers on customer’s demands and analysis discussion.
- Developed various OO ABAP programs to migrate data from the external system into SAP ECC.
- Designed Technical specification and Design specifications.
- Involved in MQ and OQ processes.
- Used SAP Solution manager to handle defects and incidents raised as per issues.
- Used transaction code SOLAR01 to define business blueprints. SOLAR02 is used to document the developments. Used STWB_WORK to test program templates defined in Solution Manager for MQ and OQ phase.
- Developed NephroEDI system to retrieve data from SAP and transmit into Eclipse (Australia’ National Healthcare reporting system) via SAP Business Connector.
- Created FM to retrieve data from SAP and send the data to Eclipse system via Web service call.
- Created custom view clusters for standard tables with Company code restrictions.
- Created views for standard tables such as LFA1, BKPF, RBKP, BSIK, EKBE.
- Developed WebDynpro applications to rollout ESS and MSS systems.
- Also designed WebDynpro application for employee’s Exit Process.
- Handled customer’s demand and analysis.
- Used SAP FPM for Layout designing.
- Internally rollout of Employee (PMS) Performance Management systems which were created in Web Dynpro applications.
- Used standard Function modules to retrieve data from HR infotypes.
- Used standard BAPI to save data in HR infotypes in SAP.
- Developed ESS & MSS portals using WebDynpro FPM concepts.
- Created ESS Personal details application using infotype 0002 (Personal data).
- Used standard FM BAPI_EMPLOYEE_GETDETAIL to fetch employee’s master data.
- Created Address details application using infotype 0006 (Addresses).
- Created Family details application using infotype 0021 (Family/Relation person).
- Developed adobe forms & interfaces to print dependent family members details and to print attendance details.
- Create Leave Management System using infotype 0005 (Leave Entitled), 0007 (Planned Working Time), 2001 (Absence), 2002 (Attendance), 2006 (Absence Quota), 2007 (Attendance Quota).
- Enhanced standard RFC HCM_ORGSTRC_TREE_DISPLAY to get employee hiererchy infrmations.
- Developed custom workflow for all MSS related applications.
- XI, HTTP, SOAP, Idoc are used to communicate with Non-SAP systems.
- Configured web services and maintained release strategies.
- Defined proxy consumer and logical ports to consume sharepoint web services.