Arjun S.

Arjun S.

Full stack Web Application Developer with expertise in Java

New Delhi , India

Experience: 6 Years


New Delhi , India

Full stack Web Application Developer with expertise in Java

USD / Year

  • Start Date / Notice Period end date:

6 Years

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About Me

  • Managing the workload of 6 multi-threaded web applications in a supply chain project, all driven by SSO, message queues, REST APIs and AKKA framework
  • Reduced file processing time and heap memory usage for large files (>2 GB) by ~2...
  • Reduced file processing time and heap memory usage for large files (>2 GB) by ~240% and ~40% respectively by enforcing an optimized streaming API as well a more suited Java GC
  • Generalizing excel data writing using reflection API to accommodate multiple templates, thereby automating the task and reducing developer effort for each excel generation user story by at least 50%
  • Automated end to end testing of an application using JMeter - including REST API , message queue and DB calls. This served a a regression suite for the application thereby lowering defect injection rates
  • Implemented Spring security and authorization with preauthentication from external SSO in a fully-fledged Spring
    MVC application
  • Drastically reduced time to analyse logs from different servers by implementing UNIX scripts which combines all
    logs and extracts relevant information like performance statistics and error/alert logs
    Reduced time to process several files in a batch processing system by at least 10 times by redesigning the application to
    be multithreaded
  • Optimized service via caching, redesigning applications to follow design principles for better maintainability, and
    several other improvements

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Portfolio Projects


  • Managing the workload of 6 multi-threaded web applications in a supply chain project, all driven by SSO, message queues, REST APIs and AKKA framework
  • Reduced file processing time and heap memory usage for large files (>2 GB) by ~240% and ~40% respectively by enforcing an optimized streaming API as well a more suited Java GC
  • Generalizing excel data writing using reflection API to accommodate multiple templates, thereby automating the task and reducing developer effort for each excel generation user story by at least 50%
  • Automated end to end testing of an application using JMeter - including REST API , message queue and DB calls. This served a a regression suite for the application thereby lowering defect injection rates

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Takes a SVG template file and convert it to PDF using Apache Batik This allows to built SVG templates using UI applications like Inkspace, which then gets populated using Java code

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Takes a JSON input and will write data automatically to the selected template using Java reflection API Ability to define multiple sheets, with each having its own attributes such as different start column/row, allowing/disallowing duplicates, entries spanning multiple rows/columns, etc For each excel template, right now all mapping is done in code. End objective is to make a UI where everything can be custom selected, thus eliminating manual coding

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