Portfolio Projects
Technology used – XML,CSS 3,Javascript(Google closure Framework),Java8
Platform : Windows 10
Description - Company HCM is a human resource ERP system combining Social & Enterprise
application deals with day to day human resource management.
Responsibility - Role As Dev member
• Worked as a Full Stack Developer & Evaluation Engineer for web-based ERP product
• Developed web module for the product which includes UI/UX & the business logic in
HRM module.
• Responsible for implementation of application development throughout entire SDLC processes.
• Knowledge on Delphi code,handled Software Management Apache Maven, Version
Control systems – GIT Hub & Web based management tools (Redmine).
• Analyzing the validators for the entire system module & code commit to GIT.
• Expertise in debugging, adding new features to the existing components in the module
enabling it with high processing speed.
Technology used – XML,CSS 3,Google closure Framework,Java8
Platform : Windows 10
Description – Hue Technology is also an ERP system developed using Supply Chain Management (SCM) module for Cost Construction System and Sales Management System.
Responsibility -Role As Dev member
• Designed layouts using front end frameworks such as XML and CSS for alignments.
• Practiced Structured Coding, reducing the complexity and improving the understanding
• Designed and developed interactive report templates using TIBCO Jasper Soft studio to
support compliance requirements
Technology used – Java 8 -SpringBoot ,PM Tool – Jira,Domain – FinTech
Platform : Linux -Ubuntu 18.04
Description – First neo banking platform – integration of Sodexo Customer Identity Access
Management(accessed across multiple international countries) to a large banking platform .
Responsibility -Backend Developer
• Implemented authentication system(OAuth) to enable the integration between Sodexo
and customer banking platform.
• Handled Gigya server side SDK for CIAM Integration
• Implemented Api’s for Registration,Login,Forgot/Reset password and Profile Managemnet for Gigya Api layer
Technology used – Python ,Flask ,SQL Alchemy ,PM Tool – Jira,Domain – FoodTech
Platform : Linux -Ubuntu 18.04
Description – Design food and beverage ordering apps, with elegant design, easy-to-use user interface, reduced time to market, necessary notifications, precise display of recipes and menus, etc
Responsibility -Backend Developer
• Implemented Api’s for Outlet related Info ,Store timings -timer configurations,Offers and
Deals,Api’s for Yellow messenger- Chat bot Integration,Coupon validation,User restriction Api.
• Handling bugs and adding new features to the existing components in the application.