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Portfolio Projects
SynergyWeb is #1 JD Power certified Wealth Management Contact
Center Application. An Integrated Service Enabled Relationship View
(iServ) which act as one stop application for agents to serve customer’s
queries on demand without any delay. Using this application, agents can
search with customer’s Account Number, PartyID, Name, TIN, SSN, UFID
and 10xID to authenticate and grant access to confidential information. It
is integrated with third party application for secure authentication for on-
call and off-call transactions. Goal settings and UFID management for
MyMerrill can be leveraged from this application for Prospects. Based on
Entitlement, same application is consumed across different LOBs. Agents
switch Roles seamlessly to promote features like Digital Dashboard,
ERICA, Solution Centers and Deep Links. Maintenance of Checks, Cards,
Bill Payments, Transaction details, Holdings and Securities are timely
available. Fraud Alerts, Critical Alerts and Contact History of service
requesting customers are highlighted in UI rich style for quicker
understanding of risk associated with each account.
Online Dividend Elections provide shareholders to register their options like Cash, SCRIP and DRIP online. It enables shareholder to change their options before dividend payment date. Shareholder can also view existing options registered and can amend or even can delete the existing option registered against the dividend offering.
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Share Valuation project adds special feature to existing Share Registration Product-SIRIUS. It provides facility to the clerk to either quote a price for a share valuation to be performed or to perform a share valuation against shareholders holdings. Request For Share Valuation Transaction is used to evaluate the value of shares for each underlying holdings of the located party at a given date. Share Value is calculated based on current share price in the market. If located party is on NOD or ROD, then death date is taken as date for valuation. If date of valuation falls on weekends, then previous day or next business days share price value is taken for calculation. If perform share valuation for the located party exceeds the threshold value, then processing fee is charged.
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POS Enterprise resource planning (ERP) delivers complete control of allretail operations; including point of sale back office and head office in asingle cost-effective solution. It provides real-time business informationand frees you up to make timely decisions that cut costs boost sales andretain customers. Prepares the backup on week days basis and reminds ifyou have not taken backup for more than two days. Processes arestreamlined to eliminate confusion decrease the time required for stafftraining and create a more efficient way of working. POS ERP consists ofsix components.
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The Tamil Nadu Nurses and Midwives Council (TNNMC) is the earliest Nursing Council in the whole South-East Asia to have Nurse Data Bank (NDB).It aims to collect the information of all nurses and nursing students in Tamilnadu. A Candidate is required to register with the TNNMC by providing Nursing Degree/Diploma certificates and other basic educational qualification certificates and obtain TNNMC Number. Only candidate with TNNMC Number can be admitted for Training Programs and for pursing job in Hospitals/Clinics. Registered institutions upload final year students details along with TNNMC Number to NDB. Registered Hospitals also upload their staff details to NDB.
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MCS is an information system which acts as centralized repository for
agent information pertaining to life and annuity business residing on
multiple administration platforms like LifeCAD, FAST and TRAC. This
Career Profile of Muruganarul R 3
dynamic system performs commission calculations based on Commission
Schedules, Schedule Types, Schedule Overrides, Rate, Horizontal Split
and Vertical Split information and supports multiple commission types
such as Premium, Trail, Advance, and Revenue Sharing commissions. The
selling and maintenance of Annuity or Traditional Life products produce
commissionable events for the producers as well as the firms they work
for.Commission rates are determined by commission schedules that are
designed by the product company. Commissions are paid to the people
and/or companies based on specified pay frequency. The MCS on a
broader perspective contains information such as Contract Data, Contract
Hierarchy data, Asset information, Pre-Calculated Commissions from
CORE, Client information, Trails, Premiums, Statements, Agent
information, Licensing and Appointment information.
Share Valuation project adds special feature to existing Share
Registration Product-SIRIUS. It provides facility to the clerk to either
quote a price for a share valuation to be performed or to perform a share
valuation against shareholders holdings. Request For Share Valuation
Transaction is used to evaluate the value of shares for each underlying
holdings of the located party at a given date. Share Value is calculated
based on current share price in the market. If located party is on NOD or
ROD, then death date is taken as date for valuation. If date of valuation
falls on weekends, then previous day or next business day's share price
value is taken for calculation. If perform share valuation for the located
party exceeds the threshold value, then processing fee is charged.
POS Enterprise resource planning (ERP) delivers complete control of all
retail operations; including point of sale, back office and head office in a
single cost-effective solution. It provides real-time business information
and frees you up to make timely decisions that cut costs, boost sales and
retain customers. Prepares the backup on week day’s basis and reminds if
you have not taken backup for more than two days. Processes are
streamlined to eliminate confusion, decrease the time required for staff
training and create a more efficient way of working. POS ERP consists of
six components.