About Me
Expertise in web based application design and development as per clients requirement. Consistently working on projects using React JS and Vue JS for frontend development. And for backend development using Laravel Framework. Also expertise in other fr...
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Portfolio Projects
Its transport goods service backend panel. In this, two types of users: customer and driver. Its a mobile app backend panel where customers post their transportation request and drivers check their post and bid on their post and complete their transport from origin and destination. Features: List of customers and drivers displayed. List of post requests of customers and their bids also displayed. Admin can add/remove transport types, delivery types, and vehicle types. Admin able to check feedbacks, financials, and activities also. Admin can see recent customers and drivers and orders. Admin can able to clean unwanted data. Credentials - Email - admin@gmail.com Password - admin12345 Note - Its a live credentials so please do not enter or manipulate any information.
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Its member recruitment system for members and clients of the company. Its and recruitment management system where admin has clients and for their clients admin can recruit members as per client needs. Features: In this admin can add bulk/single members and clients. Create a report based on filters the admin wants to create with template. Admin able to see saved reports also. Able to create users with their groups and give permissions to their users. Can track members activity with their clients. Credentials - Email - admin@gmail.com Password - password Note - Its a live credential so please do not enter or manipulate any information.
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An online publishing platform for social journalism in your language with the finest of perks. Showcase your skills, monetize your content. Features: Distraction free editor : Write your posts/tutorials on paperwiff. Easily add images, lists, quotes, codeblocks, and more in our intuitive easy to use editor. Multi-Shot quotes : Show your design and writing skills by grouping your work into Microfables. Get unlimited access to images worldwide which suits your quote. Writing Community : You own everything you write, Be a part of the biggest vernacular writing community and get the chance to discuss the real writer issues. Fast and friendly support : Our 24/7 support team always goes an extra mile to ensure you are having an excellent experience using Paperwiff. Our team is just a Send button away.
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Its a match making quiz. These two users needed to play a game because its a matchmaking game. In this two users simultaneously have to play a game and at end results shown with match and not match answers. From the backend you can add question and answers category wise for quiz. In the frontend automatically assign random category questions to users to play. Features: Simultaneously two users can play a matchmaking game. Real time game with random category questions. Result shown by matches and not matches answers. In result shown right and wrong answers.
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Digitron India is a solution based company, delivering service on CCTV camera or any system installation and AMC work with their team of 50 employees. For that we had developed a small scale customized ERP for their company. In that ERP includes, Inventory Management, Customer Management, Supplier Management, Offer Management for Project, Purchase Order Generation, Lacking Material Alert at time of PO generation, Dispatch Material of PO as per Serial Number, AMC Management, Project Expense Management, Employee Expense Management, Customized Report. In this project, users can able to create proposals for tender and generate as pdf, as per the proposal creation and then purchase order generated. And by that raw material dispatch and approved dispatch material by the Inventory Department, then All Expense and AMC work handle. Email : admin@admin.com Password: admin12345 Features: Admin login Inventory Management Purchase Order creation. Offer Creation for tender. Daily Expense of employees. AMC and service centre for product repairing. Supplier Listing Dispatch materials as per Purchase Order. Worker efficiency check and product weight checking formula. Reports as per client need - Day yo day and monthly reports of inventory, daily orders of each Purchase order.
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In this application, it is for local anganiya(Hawala) company owners. In this Credit and debit notes have to saved bbyranch wise of their company. Branch of not in same city, it will be in different cities and manage by their difference logins. All day employees make entries of credit and debit of rupees, then commission also customized as per user that which employee get how much commission in debit and credit rupees. After that entries, able to see all day report and monthly report as per their need.
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Akshar Engineers is a small scale industry, manufacturing valves and also finished valves. For that they are running CNC and Lathe Machines. For that industry we had to design and develop their ERP for production and planning for their manufacturing products. In that covers, inventory as per various products, Purchase Order and Order Acceptance, Planning, Production Stages, Customized Reports,Customer Management, Supplier Management, User Management, User Rights, Raw Material Management, ISO Certified Report Generation, Production Stages Notifications. Username: demoadmin Password : demoadmin Features: Admin login Inventory Management Purchase Order creation. Production process - Cutting, Turning, Milling, Inspection, Dispatch. Worker efficiency check and product weight checking formula. Reports as per client need - Day yo day and monthly reports of inventory, production, daily production of each Purchase order.
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The Worlds Largest HHG Marketplace Finding Loads has never been easier DISPATCH ON DEMAND WITH CONFIDENCE. Features : Dispatching : Post or accept loads in real time. Pickup loads from customers or home or pickup loads from another companys warehouse. Support Tickets : Create tickets for customers with issues regarding ETA, damaged goods, insurance claims, etc. This will ensure proper and expedited resolution, and prevent complaints on consumer sites such as Yelp, BBB, etc. that can potentially tarnish your companys reputation. Attachments : Upload all BOL and weight tickets and contracts showing customer satisfaction to each completed load. Real Time Chat : Message users and receive prompt replies to any of your questions or concerns. Quick Response : Shippers and Carriers can control and coordinate the pickup and delivery of all goods. Rating System : Rate Carriers and shippers who provide professionalism, and deliver goods to you and your customer.
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E-commerce is the activity of buying or selling of products on online services or over the Internet.Fashion store is for clothing and its accessories selling worldwide User can purchase easily, dont need to signup for purchase, just select product and checkout as guest with youe delivery address If you have to store your info of delivery address, then create account and store lifetime. Online Payment and COD is available for all products given User able to filter products by given filters like, size, color, etc
Admin can manage user, products, design, categories, orders, daily statistics. Add Users by giving rights as per user need. Able to eatch daily statistics of order and product.Able to watch stock of each products and also have alert for product stock
User side
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Checkout as guest and user login
Coupons Ratings & Reviews
Admin Side
Customize Design
Daily Statistics
Product Management
Category Management
Payment Integration
User Management
eDevices is an eCommerce platform for selling electronic products.
User side
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Checkout as guest and user login
Coupons Ratings & Reviews
Admin Side
Customize Design
Daily Statistics
Product Management
Category Management
Payment Integration
User Management
Digitron India is solution based company, delivering service on CCTV camera or any system installation and AMC work with their team of 50 employees. For that we had developed small scale customized ERP for their company.
In that ERP includes, Inventory Management, Customer Management, Supplier Management, Offer Management for Project, Purchase Order Generation, Lacking Material Alert at time of PO generation, Dispatch Material of PO as per Serial Number, AMC Management, Project Expense Management, Employee Expense Management, Customized Report.
In this project, user can able to create proposal for tender and generate as pdf, as per the proposal creation and then purchase order generate. And by that raw material dispatch and approved dispatch material by Inventory Department, then All Expense and AMC work handle.
Link: http://ec2-18-191-105-100.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com/portfolio/digitron
Email : admin@admin.com
Password: admin12345
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● User registration and login.
● Create services, jobs, events and products paid and free
● Inquiry notification sent to nearby users.
● Manage services, jobs, events and products paid and free.
● Paid service can show up in a list created by the user.
● From the backend, Admin can manage all posts, products and users.
● Publish blogs and newsletters from the backend.
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This project is based on an online learning platform. Here two types of users are there called student and teacher. Its global platform for students that can book lectures of any teachers from all over the world.
● Students and teachers of any region can register and login and book lectures.
● Teachers can set their hours for 7days and are able to change also.
● Video calling lecture facility.
● Students and Teachers can see the bookings.
● Students can see the available slots of lectures as per their timezone.
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