About Me
I want to use everything knowledge and skill learned, and I will work can build the goals at company.
I have more to 10 years of knowledge in Technology .NET of Microsoft.
I am working in sector private here on Mexico. I love coding an...
Web Development
Game Development
Development Tools
Programming Language
Operating System
Mobile Apps
Networking & Security
Portfolio Projects
App Web - volumetric of fuel in station gas
Full-Stack Developer
Project Name #1: Application volumetric of fuel in station gas.
Web site for management to fuel inputs and outputs in station gas
Main objective of the project:
The first objective is have control for management fuel input and outputs of gasoline in diferent station gas. After we need to send at report in format json to goverment of federal.
Project summary:
We have An http service (Api in .Net Core) is created to authenticate users through JWT and A token is generated if the signed credentials are successful. Also we have validation the password en format encrypted SHA256 and also use a secret key for encrypted and token JWT.
There is one Api in .Net Core that will be consumed in the process of log events of actions (consulting information, add new records, update records, delete record logical, etc.), alarms of events, creation users and roles, consulting and match invoices with ticker of sales and fuel inlets.
Also there is other Api for Signarl in .Net Core that will be consumed for show information in real time in dashboard of in and out of gasolina that exist in different
fuel pump, interfaces of dispensary where
dispatch fuels to customers, etc.
Also there is one services Windows in .Net Core where
there are also interfaces to keep track of the equipment that is connected to the dispensaries and the pumps.
Also there is one application web in Angular where we can show the diferent information of pumps, interfaces, ticket of sales, in and out fuel, invoices, reports in pdf, export information in Excel, print pdf, etc.
Architecture that was implemented:
Repository patterns, services, dependency of injection, Dapper, Auto Mapper, Linq, Entity Framework Core, etc.
Presentation layer (GUI)
Api Layer (Api Core)
Api for Signarl(Show information in real time)
Windows Services (Interfaces of pumps and dispensaries)
Repository Layer (BL)
Interfaces Layer (Int)
Data Access Layer (DAL)
Model Layer (Model)
ViewModel Layer
Technology and Tools Used:
• Visual Studio 2019, .Net Core 2.2, Api project for .Net Core, Class project for .Net Core, Language C#, Authentication JWT.
• Entity Framework Core 2.2, HTML5, ANGULAR 8, NodeJS, Type Script 2.7.1,Angular Material, Linq, Json, Bootstrap 4, micro ORMs like Dapper, Auto Mapper Dependency Injections.
• MS SQL Server 2016
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.NET Core Angular (All Versions) Node.Js HTML Angular.Js JSON Electron.Js Microsoft SQL Server Visual Studio Code Visual codeTools
Visual Studio (Win)Company
payment online PayNearMe
Full-Stack Developer
Project Name #3: payment online PayNearMe
Electronic payment of sales orders from an external service called PayNearMe through merchants such as 7Eleven in the United States.
Main objective of the project:
Payment of a sales order for a trip on the international bus line of the Senda group abroad (USA).
Project summary:
An http service (Api in .Net Core) is created to authenticate users through OAuth2 and JWT. A token is generated if the signed credentials are successful.
There are 3 Apis that will be consumed in the process of creation, authorization and confirmation of the order.
1.- Api for order creation:
Once authenticated we obtain the token and can consume our Api that receives a Json with the information that the point of sale system sends us. We create and our order with the necessary information that we occupy and consume the Api to create orders of the PayNearMe service to register it in your database.
2.- Api for order authorization:
Once the order has been registered in PayNearMe systems, it consumes an Api of our systems in a group to request authorization of the order. Our process in the Api of us returns an XML with the authorization of the order that was previously created in the PayNearMe system.
3.- Api to confirm orders.
Once the order has been authorized in PayNearMe systems, it consumes an Api of our systems in a group to request confirmation of the order. Our process in the Api of us returns an XML with the order confirmation.
There is a point-of-sale system that generates WebHooks where we subscribe and through an Amazon AWS Lambda Functions and this in turn communicates with our Airtime Api (TAE).
Apart from adding security to our http OAuth and JWT service, the service has https security for greater information protection.
We have 2 databases:
The first one keeps track of the OAuth users, configuration of our OAuth service and configuration of the PayNearMe service provider and types of Apps that can be authenticated with our OAuth service.
The second database contains a log with information on the POS system orders and information on the PayNearMe application and the code and message returned by the external Api for order creation.
A project was created in Angular 8 to provide maintenance to users who can authenticate with our OAuth service and another project to visualize the status of orders.
Architecture that was implemented:
Presentation layer (GUI)
Api Layer (Api Core)
Repository Layer (BL)
Interfaces Layer (Int)
Data Access Layer (DAL)
Model Layer (Model)
ViewModel Layer
Technology and Tools Used:
• Visual Studio 2019, .Net Core 2.2, Api project for .Net Core, Class project for .Net Core, Language C#, Authentication OAUth2, JWT.
• Entity Framework Core 2.2, HTML5, ANGULAR 8, NodeJS, Type Script 2.7.1, Materia Angular, NGXBOOSTRAP 4.1, LINQ, Bootstrap 4, jQuery, micro ORMs like Dapper, Auto Mapper Dependency Injections.
• MS SQL Server 2016
Project Name #2:
Generation of TAE (Air Time) requests through a sale in a POS System.
Main objective of the project:
A sales request is made in an external system, for airtime load on mobile telephony devices.
Project summary:
An http (Web Api 2) service is created to authenticate users through OAuth2 and JWT. A token is generated if the signed credentials are successful.
Once it is authenticated, we obtain the token and can consume our Api that receives a Json with the information we need to generate our airtime request, which we will send to an external provider, consuming a WSDL that they have hosted on a remote server.
There is a point-of-sale system that generates Webhooks where we subscribe and through an Amazon AWS Lambda Functions and this in turn communicates with our Air Time Api (APR).
Apart from adding security to our http OAuth and JWT service, the service has https security for greater information protection.
We have 2 databases:
The first keeps track of OAuth users, configuration of our OAuth service and configuration of the external TAE service provider and types of Apps that can be authenticated with our OAuth service.
The second database carries a log with information on the POS system sale transaction and TAE request information and the code and message returned by the external WSDL.
A project was created in Angular 7 to provide maintenance to users who can authenticate with our OAuth service and another project to view the status of TAE requests.
Layered methodology is used:
Presentation layer (GUI)
Api Layer (WebApi)
Business Layer (BL)
Data Access Layer (DAL)
Model Layer (Model)
Technology and Tools Used:
• Visual Studio 2017, Framework 4.6.1, Language C#, Authentication OAUth2, JWT.
• ASP.NET MVC 6, ENTITY FRAMEWORK 6, HTML5, ANGULAR 7, Type Script 2.7.1, NGXBOOSTRAP 4.1, LINQ, DATATABLE, micro ORMs like Dapper, Auto Mapper Dependency Injections.
• MS SQL Server 2016
Project Name #1:
Send SMS from App POS via HTTP services, WebHooks, etc.
Main objective of the Project:
A sale is made and an SMS is automatically sent to the customer with information about the sale I make.
Project summary:
An http (Web Api 2) service is created to authenticate users through OAuth2 and JWT. A token is generated if the signed credentials are successful.
Once authenticated we obtain the token and we can consume our Api that receives a Json with the information we need to process to generate our SMS message that we will send to an external provider, consuming a WCF from them.
There is a point of sale system that generates WebHooks where we subscribe and through an AWS Lambda Functions and this in turn communicates with a wrappers and this sends our SMS.
The service has https security for greater information protection.
We have 2 databases:
The first keeps track of OAuth users, configuration of our OAuth service and configuration of the external SMS provider and types of Apps that can be authenticated with our OAuth service.
The second database carries a log with information on the transaction of the POS system and information on the message sent by SMS and the code and message returned by the external WCF.
A project was created in Angular 7 to provide maintenance to users who can authenticate with our OAuth service and another project to view the status of messages sent via SMS.
Layered architecture was implemented:
Presentation layer (GUI)
Api Layer (WebApi)
Business Layer (BL)
Data Access Layer (DAL)
Model Layer (Model)
Technology and Tools Used:
• Visual Studio 2017, Framework 4.6.1, Language C#, Authentication OAUth2, JWT.
• ASP.NET MVC 6, ENTITY FRAMEWORK 6, HTML5, ANGULAR 7, Type Script 2.7.1, NGXBOOSTRAP 4.1, LINQ, DATATABLE, micro ORMs like Dapper, Auto Mapper Dependency Injections.
• MS SQL Server 2016
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Visual Studio 2019Company
PIP (Web App for create orders, Purchase Orders, etc.)
Full-Stack Developer
Project Name:
PIP (Web App for create orders, Purchase Orders, etc.)
Objective main the project:
create, manager Orders, Purchase Orders, Distribution to Store, Consolidate, deviations in distribution centers of the company.
Summary Project:
Aplicación Web donde se configura los artículos por proveedor y departamento para generar Órdenes de Compra, pedidos, Distribuciones a tienda, aplicación de consolidados de órdenes de compra en el centro de distribución para las diferentes sucursales o tiendas de la empresa.
La aplicación web consume un servicio (Web Api 2) que se encuentra hospedado en un servidor remoto.
The WebApp consume a service http (Web Api 2) if this exist hosting in a remote server.
In the part of back-end we use stored procedure of SQL where we can consume through of a service (Api) in Business Layer.
We used different technologies for this project.
Fluent NHibernate, ORM for data mapping
The business rules are applied at the back-end.
We used controls Telerik UI for ASP.NET MVC R2 2018 SP1 (Kendo for MVC) for front-end.
I have worked on these modules:
-Configuration of purchases
-Distribution of stores
-Configuration of users
-Configuration of notices
-Configuration of Max and Min
-Search of articles
I use methodology for layers:
*Presentation layer (GUI)
*Business Layer (BL)
*Data Access Layer (DAL)
Technology and Tools used:
Visual Studio 2017, Framework 4.6, Language C#.
• MS SQL Server 2016
.NET Core Razor Pages MVC Framework Entity Framework Microsoft SQL Server JavaScript AJAX TelerikTools
Visual Studio 2019Company
ERP Cistem Web [System Migration Client/Server to ASP.Net MVC]
Full-Stack Developer
Project Name:
ERP Cistem Web [System Migration Client/Server to ASP.Net MVC]
Objective main the project:
System migration Client/Server in Delphi to ASP.NET MVC Responsive with technologies Bootstrap.
Summary Project:
The app web consumes a service in (Data Abstract) hosted on a remote server.
Web service methods are consumed from the MVC controller and in turn are presented in the presentation layer (View) application.
There are 3 systems to be migrated to MVC and a fourth system WinForms
* Administrative system that keeps track of the customer portfolio, Accounting, Inventory, Invoicing, etc.
* Dashboard system to show customers. (I used DevExtrem of DevExpress)
* Fleet system
* Point of Sale System
Build a services WebApi2, where consumes information from Dashboards and show it to used from technology DevExtrem of DevExpress
I use methodology for layers:
*Presentation layer (GUI)
*Business Layer (BL)
*Data Access Layer (DAL)
Technology and Tools used:
• Visual Studio 2015 .NET, Framework 4.6, Language C#.
• ASP.NET MVC 5, ENTITY FRAMEWORK 5, HTML5, JAVASCRIPT, JQUERY, BOOSTRAP 3.3.7, LINQ, JSON, CSS3, SACC(SCSS), RemObject Data Abstract for .Net MVC, DevExpress 16.1.5, DevExtrem.
• MS SQL Server 2014.
Project Web Site Electronic Invoice
Build a Web Site where at user can create an invoice and also can make find.
The user need to log in on the main page. Exist two option where can to make a new invoice or find an exist.
When the user create to a new invoice, send a request from web site where a service web consumes and create the new invoice. The response from service web is a new file pdf and xml from invoice and can download from web site. Also the service web to send via email an invoice to user.
Technology and Tools used:
• Visual Studio 2015 .NET, Framework 4.6, Lenguaje C#.
• ASP.NET MVC 5, ENTITY FRAMEWORK 5, HTML5, JAVASCRIPT, JQUERY, BOOSTRAP 3.3.7, RAZOR, LINQ, JSON, CSS3, SACC(SCSS), RemObject Data Abstract for .Net MVC, DevExpress 16.1.5, DevExtrem.
• MS SQL Server 2016
Desarrollador .Net - January 2015 – December 2015
Axsis SA de CV | 1ra. Avenida, Col. Jardines de Anahuac, San Nicolas Nuevo Leon
Project Name: Web Site Distributors
Summary Project:
This is a Web Site than manage the sales of dealers (distributor
) to assigned a main Company.
We can create customers main and they can create to others customers secondary
The customers should be assigned a distributor. The distributors can be assigned others distributors.
Also exist one control panel of product by packed or product alone.
Exist others application tan consumes five Restful Service where need authorization for OAUTH2.
- I created a Restful service for confirm an affiliation to customer. The service get a Json where include information to for others extern application.
- I created a Restful service to send the status of affiliation of customer. The service get a Json where include information to for others extern application.
- I created a Restful service for send information to customer. The service get a Json where include information to for others extern application.
- I created a Restful service for generate transaction from products. The service get a Json where include information to for others extern application.
- I created a Restful service for send contract to customer. The service get a Json where include information to for others extern application.
Roles in Project:
Software Developer .Net
Activities created for me.
Create list of products, affiliations to customers, etc.
Create five Restful service with authentication OAUTH2.
Technology and Tools used:
- VS 2010, 2013 .NET Framework 4.0, 4.5, LENGUAJE C#
- authentication OAUTH2
- MS SQL Server 2012. (Creación de Tablas, Stored Procedure, Function, Querys, SubQuerys, ANALISIS DE DIAGRAMA E/R DE LA BASE DE DATOS)
Visual Studio 2019