Full Stack Developer

Noida , India

Experience: 10 Years


Noida , India

Full Stack Developer

29798.8 USD / Year

  • Immediate: Available

10 Years

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About Me

9 years of experience in Web and Mobile applications development using Angular2+, Node.js, ExpressJS, MongoDB, ES6, JavaScript, TypeScript, AJAX, , Core JAVA, Android Native. MEAN(MongoDB, Express, Angular, Node.js) Stack development experience. Have...

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Portfolio Projects

Perfumes2go is an applicationfor a store to manage orders


Design and developemt of backend using node.js as well frontend using angular6


Perfumes2go is an application written in MEAN stack for a store to manage and sale perfumes in bulk. User can place an order for number of items choosing from a table data. User and Admin get notified via email whenever a new order placed. Admin can manage the inventory like add/update/delete new items in the system and can upload a bulk of data using an excel file.

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FogLAMP is an open source platform for the Internet of Things


Design and development of a dashboard for data visualization of foglamp attached sensors using Angular8


FogLAMP is an open source platform for the Internet of Things and an essential component in Fog Computing. It uses a modular microservices architecture including sensor data collection, storage, processing and forwarding to Historians, Enterprise systems and Cloud-based services. FogLAMP GUI is used to monitor FogLAMP. It provides a dashboard to track FogLAMP operations and to monitor graph of any of the sensor reading being collected by the FogLAMP. User can manage data source using south service page, Transfer data to historians using north page and can keep track of system event logs.

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Developemt of andoid application of a fleet tracking system

Description a GPS Tracking product line helps companies with mobile fleets to reduce operating costs and manage mobile assets more efficiently. By utilizing GPS fleet tracking systems, any company can Reduce rising fleet expenses and vehicle operating costs, improve vehicle utilization and eliminate or reduce overtime.

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Design and developemt of different modules of the application.


VoodooGrimoire is a selenium web-driver based end-to-end testing framework with Page Object Model and data-driven concepts in Java/ JUnit and Maven

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Perfumes2go is an application written in MEAN stack for a store to manage and sale perfumes in bulk. User can place a order for number of items choosing from a table data. User and Admin get notified via email whenever a new order placed. Admin can manage the inventory like add/update/delete new items in the system and can upload a bulk of data using a excel file.

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Description a GPS Tracking product line helps companies with mobile fleets to reduce operating costs and manage mobile assets more efficiently. By utilizing GPS fleet tracking systems, any company can Reduce rising fleet expenses and vehicle operating costs, improve vehicle utilization and eliminate or reduce overtime.

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OptTown is a fun mobile app that connects you to your favourite places to shop, eats, drink and Play. OptTown delivers news, events and deals from the place you love.

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