About Me
Research Interest Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing and Speech ProcessingComputer Languages C/C++, PythonSoftware & Tools TensorFlow, Keras, LaTeX, NLTK, Kaldi, Pandas, Moses smt, librosaDeepSpeech, DeepSpeech2, Parselmouth, inaSpeechSegment...
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Portfolio Projects
Initially build automatic speech recognition(ASR) system based on traditional architecture for speechrecognition using Kaldi toolkit and tried different acoustic models.Training is done in two different conditions while performing transfer learning. we found the idealnumber of layers to be copied from the base model.
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Investigated the optimal placement of controllers on a network by suggesting the location and thenumber of controllers for two network planning scenarios: New SDN network and an existing SDNnetwork that requires change.Calculated the total node weights on each controller. Then we have selected the controller which hasless node weights than mean weight and assign nodes to it.
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